Wednesday, April 10, 2019

WW - Ultimate Portion Fix Mash-up Review: Day 3

#UPF #WW #upfwwmashup #day3

Containers are on point: 4 veg, 4 protein, 2 fruit, 2 cabs, 1 healthy fat, 1 dressing, 3 tsp.
My points are a little over my daily allowance (27/23) but still in blue dot range.

So for the 2nd and 3rd day I figured out how to match up my containers a little better during the day so that I’m not so hungry. I do find that after 2-3 hours I am starting to get hungry, but that’s how often you’re supposed to eat on UPF so I think I’m doing OK. 

I’m still not 100% following the UPF to fidelity - I’ve been using Orgain Protein powder instead of their brand “shakeology” ($40 at costco vs. $120 from beach body is a no brainer) and I’ve been eating Smart Ones frozen meals for lunch because with no real kitchen to meal prep in, I went with what was easy. I’m doing my best to guesstimate what the containers would be though. Which is what Autumn says to do when you’re eating out and such so I figure it’s ok for the time being. I’ve also been using some supermarket processed foods, such as, a tsp of Hellman’s mayo, instead of the “fixate” recipe, as well as using bottled dressing instead of “fix approved” recipes. Hey, I gotta work with what I’ve got for the next few weeks. Oh, and I did mention that I’m swapping a carb daily for wine, yeah? So yeah, that’s not exactly following the program either. But in general, I’m getting a better handle on food groups. I’ve realized with my container planning that I’ve been probably not getting enough protein and veggies (which I kind of knew) and I was eating too many carbs and fruits (which I also kind of knew). Like today, I planned all my meals and then I said, woah, I need to have two other read containers (protein) somewhere. Where can I add some protein? So I packed a couple of hard boiled eggs for a snack, and a side of tuna with my Smart Ones lunch.

I like that the UPF has me thinking more about balancing these nutrients. And balancing them together at different meals. At first it did seem overwhelming and a little confusing, but after just a couple of days I feel like I’m sort of getting the hang of it. And with the exception of the scoop shop side trip yesterday I haven’t really had any sugar since Tuesday. Only one treat over the course of three days is huge for me! That’s a major cut back. Which, was one of my goals with the program as well - to really cut back on the sweets. I was making Starbucks a daily habit again, and I was starting to add brownies back into my daily order. I needed to stop that bad habit in it’s tracks and get it back under control again. This is definitely helping that. 

I’ve also been planning out my meals for the whole day ahead of time so I know what I can expect to eat next and when. This has helped me a lot with not mindlessly  looking for food because I’m only a little hungry. I can say to myself, “In just an hour I’m having _____” and that helps me stick to the plan as well.

So three days in, these are my thoughts. Still not sure how I’m going to handle my Friday night date night (two glasses of wine, 1/4 of a loaf of French baguette, veggies, hummus, cheese…) - Maybe that day I’ll just count points and not macros lol. I’ll keep updating though. Maybe not daily as much, but when I have a new revelation or thought about all this, I’ll post again.

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