Sunday, February 28, 2010

Detox Complete

Well, my seven day detox ended yesterday and the final result is...

Down three pounds!!!!! And I ate a LOT! I ate all of my daily points, all of my activity points, and all but 1.5 of my weekly points!!!

Wow! What a result! I feel great about the choices that I made and I feel great about my ability to stick to something that was definitely different for me!

As for today - it's tea time!!! (I think... nearly everyone cancelled on me so I think there are only two people left) But, I made all the sandwiches LF, and I even made a weight watchers scone recipe (two points each) so the only thing that's gonna add calories today is the whipped cream (can't have scones w/o cream) and the cookies :0)

The only thing I'm going to change immediately is going back to caffeine. I did miss that. Even at the end of the week, I was still only down to quarter caff - I didn't go full on decaf.

One change I did like was the fresh fruit w/ my evening hot beverage instead of the hostess cake. But I have to admit that by the end of the week I missed that too...

But, I still have a ton of food left, so I'm going to have to use it up! So that means I'll be continuing to eat very healthy for at least another week! This morning I'll have some of my low-fat vanilla yogurt, with a tbsp. of almonds, 1/2 cup blueberries, and 1/2 cup fiber one cereal. That should fill me up nicely so I don't go over board @ tea time!

So that's the result! Overall I'm very pleased. I would've liked to have broken the 135 barrier (it's been my nemesis for so long!) but four pounds in one week is a bit much...

Oh, and I wish the FIRM would put up the March rotation already! I love the rotations, but the delay in getting them to the website is ridiculous. I get up at 5 AM as it is, I shouldn't have to boot up and print at that hour!

Today is a day of rest (thank goodness - my glutes are still screaming at me from Friday). And I realized something on Friday - I get a much better workout when I do it in the afternoon. My form is better and my energy is better. For example, I've done the "500 Calorie Workout" at 5 AM - burned 496 calories (not bad). I did the same workout Friday afternoon and burned 587 calories. Nearly 100 more... I've read afternoon workouts burn more in an article in the Times before, but I didn't think much of it... That being said, though, the best time to workout is when you'll get it done and I KNOW I can't wait till after work to do it. I have to do it first thing, or else I take a nap instead! LOL

Okay, I've rambled more than I intended. I'm out. Gotta eat bfast and shower up for tea time!

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