Friday, February 26, 2010

Detox Day 6

Five days down and two to go!!

Down 2.4 lbs!!!!! Awesome! No weight change today, but overall that's not bad. About .5 lbs/day :)

So today I had the unexpected pleasure of getting a snow day! Apparently the snow storm that was supposed to leave just an inch or two intensified in the night and I woke up to about 6 inches of snow!

On the down side, I was planning on going to kick boxing today - which usually burns about 650 calories. I'll have to work out at home, but the closest dvd I have to burning 650 calories in an hour is the 500 calorie workout. Which only burns, yes - you've guessed it, only 500 calories.

Still, I am not complaining - too much. At this point we've used all our snow days built into the calendar. They are going to have to either remove days from vacation or add days in June. Which really stinks... But I'm happy to be home for now instead of shoveling my car out and sliding down the road to work (It's like ice skating in your car! - hey, that should be an olympic sport!)

Also, I have the advantage of being able to cook a little more for myself and to really relax and enjoy my food, instead of eating in a rush, as I usually do @ work.

But overall I'm really happy with this week :) The food's been tasty (dinner last night was delicious!!!) and plentiful.

Yesterday I had Fiber One cereal as a snack. I started munching on it thinking "man, this is sweet, it MUST have added sugar." So I go back to the box to check the NI - nope! No added sugar! I would never have guessed Fiber One would be delicious!

So that's my story for now. Two more days to go... Looking forward to the results!

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