Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Fruits of my Labor

Were rewarded this week. I lost about 2 and 1/2 lbs.

That means just about 2 lbs to go to get below 120.

But, I am hosting high tea this weekend.

That's okay - I am planning on making my sandwiches w/ low fat ingredients, as usual, and I found a recipe for low fat scones that I'm going to try. 2 points each. Then I can have two batches on hand - the low fat and the regular.

It's just the other goodies that everyone brings with them. There's cookies (baked by possibly the best cookie chef in the history of the world) and there's this pecan melt thing from a bakery in Rocky Point, and the list goes on.


It's those temptations that I must try to resist this month.

I will do it. I can do it. I will do it.

Oh, and as for the new cardio workout w/ the hand held 2 lbs balls - it rocked the hizz-ouse! Loved it! I was dripping with sweat and it was challenging! The moves were fun, but nothing so complicated my spazzy ass can't follow.

Oh, so today I was home alone again all day, and I totally kept snacking! I know they're only 1 ro 2 points per snack, but snacking all day long adds up. I actually had zero points for dinner. I had to dip into my flex just to eat dinner.

That's not good.

Tomorrow I will do better. I can do better. I will do better.

I keep thinking that if I say it enough and if I write it enough, It'll stick.

We'll see. We'll see how tomorrow goes. Until then...

***** As a PS here on this post - I so did NOT stay in control at tea. I ate everything. Ah well... Tea has been post-poned for the summer (can't lose a good boat day when it comes around) so I am thinking that this summer will be fine. *****

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