Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Roller Coaster that is my life...

Yep - I think that a roller coaster is a pretty good analogy for what I've been going through.

My weight is up, it's down, then it's up, then it's down.

I just can't seem to get back down below 120.

I know, I know - I am skinny enough. I'm at a good weight and my clothes mostly fit. But with summer coming, with swimsuit season right around the corner, with planning a weekend to wax the boat, I can't help it. I want that scale to be around 118.

Right now I'm at 122, and I have tea coming up this weekend. I usually make the sandwiches pretty low fat, maybe I can try a low fat scone recipe. I'll make two batches. One regular, one low fat. Perhaps that will help keep me in check.


At least I seem to have lost the two lbs. that I gained back last week. It just seems that every week has at least one day that is a true challenge and I keep falling to them, one after the other. Ugh.

I will say though that my workouts have been awesome. I am kicking but and working a sweat! I have been following the specialty rotation on the FIRM's website this month - plus I have their new workouts and I have been using those to keep my routine fresh. I bought Skills, Drills and Thrills Balance Trainer. That one I tried and it's hard - really hard! It totally kicks my ass. I also have Cardio Dance Fusion - the moves are a little tricky for a spaz like me, but it's fun and it gets the heart rate going. And I have the new one w/ the sculpting balls, but I haven't tried that one yet. It's on the calendar for tomorrow, so I'll letcha know.

Yesterday I did an oldie but goodie - Aerobic Body Shaping from BSS 4, but I tried to heavy up my weights. Let me tell you that I am feeling it today! Woah! From this point on I am staying heavy until that gets too easy for me. I just hope I built enough muscle to burn some more fat! Ha!

Anyway, that's the update for now. I know I haven't checked in too often, but I think I want to try more. I thought that online would be easiest, but there are some days I get home and I'm too tired.

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