Monday, June 20, 2016

Monday Weigh-In/Weekend Confession: Father's Day Edition

Hope everyone out there had a nice Father's Day for those that celebrate.

So let's get to the stats:

Last Week: 128.9
This Week: 127.8
Difference: - 1.1
Maintenance: Success!

How on Earth that happened I have no idea (you'll understand why when I get to my weekend confession!) but I'll take it!

So last week I stayed on track for the most part - Monday through Friday around lunch time. But, I knew I was planning on going off program for the weekend starting Friday afternoon, so Friday lunch came around and I kind of extended that plan to include lunch lol!

So as a lifetime member, at maintenance weight, I have a pretty different attitude when it comes to going off program. Now, I know that I don't need to choose this. I can totally choose to enjoy my time and stick to my points. I can make good choices, plan ahead, and that's what makes Weight Watchers great. All these kinds of challenges are totally do-able. But, that's not what works for me and I think that's what also makes Weight Watchers great. So as a lifetime member, I choose to have a meal, or day, or even weekend at times, where I don't track. I don't track and sometimes that makes me eat or drink in ways that are atypical for me. I plan these meals or days. I don't let them overwhelm me out of nowhere. That said, I had a plan to go off program this past weekend. And as you can see from my stats - I survived.

So here's how I survived:

First - knowing I was going off program for the weekend, I tried very hard not to use any of my weekly points during the week. I did dip into a few FitPoints here and there, but not too much if I could avoid it. I was pretty diligent.

Next - I kept up with my workout routine. One, I just started a 90 day rotation and I want to stick with it as closely as I can. And two, I have been working on increasing my weights as I lift and I don't want to lose that momentum.

Third - even though I was not tracking I did try to keep things sort of in check in the back of my mind. I tried to say ok I'm not tracking this but that doesn't mean I need to eat five plates worth of penne - this normal sized portion will be just fine.

Finally - once my weekend was over I got right back on track. As of this morning I am tracking my points and staying on target no matter what. Sunday night I spent prepping meals for the week so I can stay on point.

And that's why this is a lifestyle not a diet! And that's why I always say "lifetime means lifetime". You gotta make this stuff work for the rest of your life.

So now that I've explained how I survived, let's explain exactly what it was that I lived through in my weekend confession:

Bless Me Jean Nidetch for I have gone off program!

Friday lunch included an unplanned Starbucks cookie (as I mentioned earlier). I wasn't planning on it but since I was going off program as of 4PM, I figured, hey, start early! Friday afternoon I did make it to my Weight Watchers meeting (yay!) before headed off to our end of year retiree party! It's a buffet meal with beer/wine/soda included :) I had cubed cheeses, veggies, fruit, sesame chicken, and penne a la vodka. Plus 2 glasses of wine. BUT, I did spend about 45 minutes dancing and burned 230 calories so not too bad!

Saturday was boat and beach by day, and fireworks night at the ball game by night! Started the day with my usual oatmeal breakfast. But then once on the boat there was bread, butter, sea salt and wine followed by sandwiches and Mike's lemonade. Strawberries and whipped cream rounded the meal out nicely! After we go home I did get a work out in, and then that night we were off to the ball park where I had a sausage and pepper sandwich followed by the remains of my daughters Mr. Softee ice cream.

Sunday was Father's Day so we took our daughter to the local petting zoo where dads get in free! They also have water bouncy slides there which she loves! So it was a nice day overall. At least for that one I packed lunch for us so I knew it was decent as far as points (but I still wasn't tracking so I don't know exactly). But later when we got home we ended up stopping for take out because the little one fell asleep in the car- ordered my usual so I know that was 12 points. Then while cleaning up I stumbled upon a Hershey bar and snacked on that. I also never got my workout in. Between spending the day out and all the Sunday chores and meal prep I just couldn't get it in.

So that's that. Off program, but somewhat conscious of what I was eating... And I lost a pound this week. Amazing.

I hope you all have a great week!

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