Monday, July 11, 2016

Monday Weigh-In/Weekend Confession: Whacky Weather Edition

This weekend the weather was weird. It was overcast, but not rainy, and kind of cold for July. We took the boat to the beach anyway but only stayed a couple of hours because it was freezing. But Sunday we were able to take our daughter to the water slides because it was so hot and sunny. Like I said, weird.

Anyway, let's get to the weigh in:

Last week: 126.8
This week: 124.4
Difference: - 2.4
Maintenance: Better than success! Winning!


I don't really have a weekend confession per say. I did give myself a tracking break on Saturday. Took the boat to the beach and packed an appetizer style picnic. Low fat cheese, triscuits, veggies and hummus, turkey pepperoni, and of course a Mike's Lemonade. I didn't count points but I didn't really go overboard either. Our friends also brought some Ruffles potato chips and I really had maybe a dozen chips total. But other than that I stayed on track all weekend!

I believe the secret to my great losses this month have been my workouts! I have been doing BeachBody P90 for a month now and I'm down 4.5 pounds total since I started, without doing anything different with my food. I'm still following the maintenance points and I'm still set to swap my activity points first. I'm focusing on strength training and building muscle. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn at rest. Sounds good to me!

This is a short post - gotta get going with my workout this morning (speaking of workouts!) and then I have a ton of stuff to do. Gotta get a flat tire fixed, and my goal for the week is to clean up and organize my daughters clothes and toys. Got a lot to donate and a lot to sort through! It should be a pretty good project!

Tomorrow we have a stone guy coming to fix some brick work in the front and the back yards... But no major food challenges that I can think of this week. The weekend will be - well, the weekend. Back on the boat hopefully (weather permitting of course). Sometimes I wish we lived somewhere warm where we could have a year round boating season... Ah well. I guess the winter makes me appreciate the summer more.

Have a great week everyone! I do have a Friday Fitness post coming with my review of P90 so far, so look for that on Friday! And I *may* get to my weekly meeting topic post this week too. But I make no promises! See you on Friday!

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