Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Weekly Meeting Topic: Support

And no, we're not talking about sports bras! That's a topic for Friday Fitness ;o)

My meeting leader focused on the support we get from each other when we are sitting in that meeting room; talking, sharing, listening, and knowing that no matter what stupid, food-related insecurity you may be harboring there is at least one other person in the room (likely more) who has thought or done the same thing. Can you say "have eaten food out of the garbage?" more people than you would ever imagine have raised their hand for that one!

We started the meeting off with one of my favorite quotes from one of my favorite children's authors: Dr. Seuss.

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind"

And that is so true.  I think we forget that sometimes and we do get caught up in what others think.

I actually went on a mini-rant about why people feel the need to comment on my eating habits in a previous blog post from 2008 (you'll have to scroll about half way down).

But the real question is, why do I care? Those who "mind" how I eat don't matter to me. They don't know what I live through every day. They don't know how much weight I've lost or how I have gone back up and down several times over the past 11 years as a Lifetime Member of Weight Watchers.

And the people that do matter are usually very supportive.  Even today, when we had desserts at lunch, I politely said, "No thank you, I'm trying to be good." And that was enough said. (Though in retrospect, I probably shouldn't have said "good" because it implies that people that eat desserts are "bad", but I don't think people take it that way).

My family tries to be supportive, but their good intentions usually backfire.  They think they're being supportive when they say things like, "You cheat once in a while, right?" or, "You're so skinny now! You can have that!" and, "Come on, one filling in the blank with something ridiculously high in calories/fat won't kill you!"

But their intentions are good.

So, back to the meeting, we mostly talked about why the meetings are so great and why they help us to be successful. 

And it's so true.  When I don't go to meetings, I gain back the weight! I'm not sure why... Maybe it's a lack of accountability, maybe it's a lack of support, but whatever it is, the meetings are what clicks for me.

And I've made many amazing friends in Weight Watchers. I wouldn't trade it for the world.  These are the people who get me through the week and they are the people who never judge me for what I eat or how I eat it.

I have a loving, supportive husband, and supportive friends and family, but my meeting "family" members are the only ones who really get it. And that's support!

1 comment:

Angie A said...

<3 this post. Congratulations on your success. being lifetime is a WONDERFUL feeling!

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