Monday, May 9, 2011

Monday Weigh In/Weekend Confessional: The Remodel Saga Continues

Last Week: 126
This Week: 126.2
Difference: + 0.2

Maintenance: Success!

So this week, the bathroom remodel continued.

Monday night we took a break though - we were so exhausted from last weekend's work that we both came home from work and crashed on the couch for a nap. I made spaghetti and sauce.

Tuesday was my Weight Watchers meeting so I came home late and we didn't get much done. I didn't cook.

Wednesday was more sanding and spackle. I bought microwave chicken/gravy and mashed sweet potatoes. Can you really call that cooking?

Thursday I laid down the floor tile. I didn't cook.

Friday night we finally had a break - BON JOVI!!  The show was good, but not quite the same as Richie Sambora decided that it was a good time to check into rehab.  While most of the show was still pretty good, there were a few key songs where he was missed; most notably Runaway and Living on a Prayer...  But a nice distraction from the mess that is my house!  And, oh yea, I didn't cook.

Then Saturday it was paint, paint and more paint.  Put down the primer, waited an hour, did the first coat, waited 4 hours, then put down the second coat. In between all that we went out to dinner for Mexican (fish tacos with fresh tuna and a margarita! yum!) - so again - I didn't cook.

Yesterday I grouted the floor tile and - yes, you guessed it - I didn't cook.

I ate out (except for my spaghetti and my microwave meal) or got take out most nights this week.

And I maintained successfully.

And yes, I went over my weekly points and my activity points this week by 3.  But overall, I did it.  I got a ton of work finished on my bathroom and I ate out a lot but I balanced it all and I stayed the course.

Just going to show that this lifestyle is indeed livable for a lifetime :o)

Now, onto a quick weekend confessional:

Forgive me Jean Nidetch for I have sinned:

Friday I had three, yes three, chocolate raspberry martinis, a hummus appetizer, a veggie burger, and a greek salad.

Saturday I had a margarita, a TON of fried tortilla chips with salsa, and fish tacos with black beans and spanish rice.

But really, that was it.  I just have so much to do in my house these days that I don't have time to eat too terribly.  But Friday and Saturday were definitely splurges in terms of food for me.

During the week I tried to keep it mostly healthy when ordering take out.  Plus, I earned a LOT of activity points for the work around the house.  Did you know painting walls for 6.5 hours will earn you 15 (yes, that says 15) Activity Points? Nice...

And that's my weekly weigh in.  Looking ahead to next week I'd like to continue to track, I'd like at least three workout days (not counting remodeling), and I'd like to maybe cook dinner at least once.  But we'll see ;o)

Also, I've been thinking that it would probably be a good time to work on losing my vanity weight for the summer (we're talking four pounds) but with everything in kind of a whirlwind state, I don't know if I'll be able to stay that focused. It takes a lot of discipline and meticulous food choices for me to get down that low and I'm not sure I have it in me right now...  But, being a teacher (and with the boat going in the water late) I don't really have to worry about it till June :o)

Okay, I'll be back Wednesday. Peace!

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