Friday, May 6, 2011

Friday Fitness: Bob Harper Kicks My A** (and so does laying floor tile)

Back on April 26th, I was on Twitter when I saw a contest sponsored by Quaker Oatmeal. Follow the official Quaker twitter, and re-tweet the message to be entered to win a Bob Harper (of Biggest Loser fame) autographed work out DVD. And I won!

Well, the DVD came in the mail and, of course, I came home and popped it straight into my DVD player. Here's a picture of the autograph - you can totally tell that it's written with a sharpie and not a stamp or anything cheesy like that!

Now, two days later, I still can't move my legs! I thought I was in pretty good shape, but man - oh man! - was this workout challenging!

It alternates lower and upper body with some low impact aerobic moves (or high impact modifications) to keep your heart rate going.  It's about an hour long and the work out actually beeps and tells you when you're 25%, 50% and 75% finished.  Which, I must say, is very encouraging.

According to my heart rate monitor, I burned a little over 530 calories for the hour! Awesome!

That was Wednesday. Today is Friday and I'm hobbling around like I'm a 90 year old grandmother!

And then, yesterday, the floor tile kicked my ass! Yes, the bathroom remodel continues! It's actually coming along nicely and we are making pretty good progress.  Since last week on Thursday, we've done the plumbing  for the vanity and the toilet (we are waiting to get the bathtub before we do that plumbing), we put up all but one section of dry wall (again, waiting for the tub so we can do the plumbing before we seal up the wall) and laid all but one row of floor tile (which has to be cut around all of the door jams).  We also finished all of the spackle  and sanding on the walls.  Today we are allowing the floor tile to cure while we go out for the night! And then Saturday it's back to work - primer, paint (two coats) and maybe grout.  We'll see how far we get...

So laying floor tile involved mixing cement and spreading it around the floor and laying the tile down.  Sounds easy enough, but the cement has a working window of about two hours.  Once you get past the first hour, it really starts to thicken/stiffen up and you really have to use your upper body strength to work with it.  I have blisters on my hands and my shoulders are really sore.  But at least it's done :)

AND, according to Weight Watchers, I earned 7 activity points doing it! Not too shabby!

Of course, I didn't feel much like cooking after laying floor tile so I sent the hubs out for pizza and I totally ate back those activity points! LOL

But really, it looks great and I am please with our rate of progress.

So that's how Bob Harper and some porcelain floor tile kicked my butt this week!  Just goes to show that when it comes to maintaining, every and any activity can help you feel strong and empowered, and can help you reach your goals!

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