Monday, June 13, 2016

Monday Weigh-In/Weekend Confession: Weather Channel LIED Edition

So I'll explain my title in a bit when I get to the weekend confession, but first lets get to the stats:

Last week: 129.7
This week: 128.9
Difference: - 0.8
Maintenance: Success!


So this past week was actually a great week for me. I stayed on program all week - had a couple of indulgences (Starbucks Frappuccino and a sugar cookie!) but stayed within my points no problem! Only got five of six planned exercise days last week, but that's still pretty good.

Yesterday I started a new workout program - P90.

It's like P90X but without the X. It was on lightning deal from amazon. The workouts are less intense but still promise good results. So I figured since it was on sale I'd give it a go. So as I said, I started yesterday with the first workout and it was a sculpting workout. Not too long but a good burn. I feel a little bit sore today... But not as much as I'd like. But then, I did use lighter weights because I wasn't sure of the moves. Today I was supposed to do the cardio workout, but on Monday I work out with the girls at work so I will be doing a cardio, but not the cardio with the system. Another friend also wants to run. I was like, "I have time for both!", so I'll be doubling up on my workout today! Makes up for missing one last week! lol

This week coming up is not without it's challenges. Friday night particularly- it is the end-of-year party for work and there will be buffet, and beer/wine at the bar. I can't drink very much at all because I'm driving, but there will be food, food and more food! Fortunately there's also a DJ and dancing so I'll be able to work of at least a little bit of what I eat! And I will try to keep it in check - tastes of things, small bites, small portions... Hey, I do this every year so I can do it again!

And as it's the end of the year and kids have finals my schedule opens up a lot, which means more time for meeting friends for lunch during the day! I think last summer I ate lunch at Noodles and Company at least twice a week! But I'll cross those bridges when I get there.

But for now it's time to reflect a bit more on last week, which brings me to my weekend confession:

Except I don't have any! I didn't go off program once! I rocked it! Jean Nidetch would be proud!

So Saturday was supposed to be a wash-out. Weather channel said rain. But as the day progressed, we kept watching the weather and the rain predictions changed. And changed. And changed. And as it turned out - it was a perfectly lovely day and we totally could've been on the boat out on the water, except that the Weather Channel LIED to us! Not that it was a bad day - we went to the mall, ate mall sushi for lunch, came home, ate dinner, and then went out for fro-yo. I like these serve yourself fro-yo places - I know exactly what my serving was! So yeah, I spent 13 points on fro-yo, but it was worth it!

Sunday we had a birthday party to go to for one of my daughter's daycare friends at the local bouncy house. We packed sandwiches for ourselves so we wouldn't be so hungry we felt the need to eat the pizza, and said "no thank you" when the cake came around. We saw many other adults say no as well. Which made my husband comment, "When did we get so old that we say 'no' to eating cake? That is a sad, sad day." But it's true - when you were a kid there was no way you would've ever said no to a piece of cake. But as an adult, you're more practical. It's like a little bit of innocence lost.

Finally, I just want to say how sickened and devastated I feel for the people of Orlando this weekend. I won't get on a political soap box here (this is not the blog for that), but my heart is very heavy today. I ache for the victims, for their families, for the rescuers that had to bear witness to such an atrocity, for all in the community who are scared and confused, for everyone. I know it's not much to offer, but I offer my thoughts and prayers.

And on that note, I'm going to wrap this up for the week. I hope you all have a great week and I'll see you next week for my Monday Weigh-In.

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