Monday, June 6, 2016

Monday Weigh-In/Weekend Confession: Beach edition!

Wow what a great weekend!

But all good things must come to an end - so let's get on with this Monday business...

Last Week: 130.3
This week: 129.7
Difference: - 0.6
Maintenance: Success!

(Interestingly enough I was looking at my weight trends on the fitbit website and if you compare 5/7 to today I've only gained 0.3 in the last month even though my weekly numbers have fluctuated quite a bit... )

I lost half of what I gained last week! And I totally stayed on program. Tracked everything and didn't go over points! Hooray! I even had a couple of days where I did eat a lot of points - FitPoints and weekly points saved me there LOL.

So yeah, let's talk about this weekend (No "confession" since I stayed within my points this week!)

Sunday was a washout but Saturday - just wow! Gaw-geous! We went down to the marina to spruce up the boat a bit, but my daughter started pouting about wanting to drive the boat over to the beach. So, we got her ready, my hubby went to the deli and got some sandwiches for everyone and some ice, and we spent a few hours on the water! My daughter was not wearing a swim suit (as it was an impromptu trip) but she went running through the surf anyway! We found razor clams, crabs, horseshoe crabs, and little tiny fish swimming around the bay. One muddy afternoon later and we were on our way home, but I'm so glad we ended up going out. It turned out to be a great day! I got some food shopping done while the little princess took a nap in the car with Daddy (He dropped me at the door and just sat in the parking lot with the AC on - he said he got some work emails done at least!), and then since princess had a very long, and late afternoon nap we decided we could afford to keep her up late and we went out for fro-yo - yum! It's a serve yourself place so I got a cup and had some chocolate and graham cracker non-fat fro-yo. They weigh it to see what you pay so I knew how much I was eating for accurate tracking! Yay! It was 13 points, but worth it!

Sunday was the wash-out of the weekend. But we still had a good day. Hubby got a run in the morning before the rain hit, and I got a workout in (STILL feeling the soreness today - you know when you lift heavy and then the next day you can't raise your arms to wash your hair? Yeah, it was a good workout!). Got some chores done around the house (laundry, meal prep, etc.). And ended the night with a "Pizza party" open bounce at the local bouncy house for my daughter. The pizza is just for the kids, so hubby and I packed the left over sandwiches from the beach the day before, and some fruit and I had a ridiculously low SP dinner of 4SP. Which afforded me the points to stop at Starbucks on the way home for a tall skinny caramel latter (3SP and definitely worth it!)

I did have one day where I went off the rails a bit (but tracked it all!) and had a 60+ SP day - I don't remember the total for the day but it involved that yogurt parfait, a cookie, and a frappuccino. Plus some wine for dinner... Yeah, but like I said I tracked it all and lost a little bit this week.

Just more proof that Weight Watchers works and it can be a part of your life for the rest of your life.

I hope everyone has a great week! Don't expect a Wednesday or a Friday post again this week - I have way too much work to catch up on. See you next week!

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