Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Tuesday Weigh-In/Weekend Confession: Memorial Day edition

Morning All! Hope you had a fabulous Memorial Day weekend!

Last Week: 128.9
This week: 130.3
Difference: + 1.4
Maintenance: Success!

Considering I went completely off the rails some time around Monday (yeah, that's day one for me!) last week I'll take a pound and a half and call it a success.

So the week before last I'd had a GREAT week! I had gone back to "losing" mode and lost the weight I'd gained the two weeks prior, and I was thinking that I would stay in "losing" mode and try to maybe lose a couple more pounds before the summer really hit - swim suit season and all that.

BUT, that plan went awry very quickly. By Monday afternoon I'd gone back into my account settings and switched it to "maintenance" so I could have my extra points back. And it didn't get any better from there. By Wednesday I was well into negatives on my weekly numbers (and yes, I'd used up my FitPoints first). And Sunday (my last day of the week) I just gave up on tracking altogether.

Man last week was rough! BUT, this week - I HAVE A PLAN!

Step 1 - track eeeeeeeeeeeverything! So far, so good! I tracked everything yesterday (used some FitPoints but that's ok) and I am well on my way to tracking everything today :o)

Step 2 - menu plan! I have a full week's worth of dinners planned and ready to go. All healthy and all easy being that this is going to be a hectic week!

Step 3 - prepare for breakfast! One of my problems last week was that I was on daycare drop-off duty and I WASN'T prepared! Previously I'd told you how I found that the WW Breakfast Bars that you buy in the meeting rooms were helping me avoid the ole Starbucks drive through trap. Well, last week I thought I'd had enough breakfast bars to get through the week, but, alas, I did not. And I ended up at that stupid drive through three days last week. BUT NOT THIS WEEK! Like I said, I am prepared!

Step 4 - workout! The past few weeks I've been struggling to get a workout in six out of seven days (as is my goal each week) so this week I'm gonna stick it! Already got workout #1 in yesterday - The FIRM Power Half Hour! It's a quick cardio-sculpt workout that uses 3-5 lb weights and alternates between weights and cardio. It has a warm-up, a sculpt, a cardio, a sculpt, a cardio, and then a cool-down. I've been going into the basement digging out the old FIRM videos just to change things up a bit. I got bored with the ZIP trainer.

And that's my plan! I have a workout "date" Wednesday with a good friend and Thursday is my "me time" pedicure :o)

And now that I'm feeling more confident about this week that will bring me to my past week and my weekend confession:

Bless me Jean Nidetch for I have gone off program!

You know, I call it a "weekend" confession because I'm usually pretty routine during the week and then the weekends get a little crazy for me. But this week - it's more like a week-long confession, not a weekend confession.

I won't get into all the nitty gritty details - I'll just outline the worst offenses day by day.

Monday: Daily Points Used: 49
Biggest offenders: Greek yogurt from Starbucks (10 SP), and Butterscotch Caramels in the main office (3 SP). Without those I'd be at 36 for the day (the # of daily points I get on Maintenance)

Tuesday: Daily Points Used: 46
Biggest offenders: Starbucks Chocolate Chip Cookie (9 SP). Without which I'd be at 37 Daily Points - not bad.

Wednesday: Daily Points Used: 59
Biggest offenders: Starbucks Chocolate Chip Cookie (9 SP), Starbucks Caramel Frappuccino Light (7 SP), DD's marshmallow Peeps (3 SP) and, again, Butterscotch Caramel candies in the main office (3 SP). Without all those I'd have been at 37. Again, not bad.

Thursday: Daily Points Used: 76 (can you see how my week is snowballing???? That I kept tracking at this point is a miracle)
Biggest Offenders: Starbucks Greek Yogurt (10 SP), Starbucks Sugar Cookie (12 SP), Gummy Candies (worms and sour patch kids) (4 SP), Starbucks Caramel Light Frappuccino (7 SP), and oh Butterscotch Caramels (why do you torment me so?) in the main office (4 SP). Without all that I'd have been at 39 for the day. Not bad at all.

Friday: Daily Points Used: 58 (hey I reigned it in! - insert sarcastic eye roll here)
Biggest Offenders: Starbucks Greek Yogurt (10 SP), Starbucks Sugar Cookie (12 SP). Without those I'd have been at 36. Eveny-steveny!

Saturday: Daily Points Used: 79
Biggest Offenders: Left over dinner for lunch - Pesto Pasta Salad (11 SP) Not that that was bad per se, but I knew I was having friends over for tacos and margaritas so I should've made a point to have a much lighter lunch. Finishing my DD's left over cupcake (9 SP) and some more gummy candy - sour patch kids (4 SP). Without those I'd have been at 55 SP - yes, a lot BUT it also would've been totally reasonable if I'd been careful the whole week before. I would have had tons of weekly and FitPoints to use for that dinner (which was yummy and worth it!)

And Sunday: ???
Like I said I didn't even bother tracking. I was at -69 points by then and I was like, "My points roll over tomorrow so screw it".

So that was my week. It sucked. But the good thing about sucking is that it can help you learn and grow. So I'm learning (even as a lifetime member for the last 16 years, yes, I'm still learning) and I'm growing.

This week WILL be better. This week WILL be successful. Yours WILL be too!

Thanks for reading and have a great week!

PS - I realize that I didn't get to posting last week on Wednesday or Friday. I may not post again this week either because the end of the school year leaves me swamped and overwhelmed with things to do to wrap it all up. I took the time today because I find the weekly post gives me a sort of catharsis and helps me reset and refresh for the week, but I'm actually stressing about all the time this post has taken up! So I may or may not see you again until next week.

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