Monday, May 23, 2016

Monday Weigh-In/Weekend Confession: Back on Track Edition

Happy Monday readers! Let's get down to brass tacks (Where does that expression come from? I don't even know...)

Last Week: 131.9
This Week: 128.9
Difference: - 3.0
Maintenance: Success!!!

Yeah! Now THAT'S what I'm talkin' about!

If you recall, last week I had gained more than two pounds. Add that to the 0.8 I'd gained the week before that and that put me up 3 pounds in two weeks! And I was like "Whoa!! I gotta get back on track!"

So that's what I did. I switched my points back to "losing" mode, I got a workout in five out of seven days last week, and I really kept track of my portions and points.

That's what I LOVE about Weight Watchers - it really gives you the tools you need to take control.

That's not to say I didn't have a little indulgence this week! By the time the weekend came around I was feeling a little careless with my points, but I still tracked everything. By the end of the night Sunday I'd used up all of my weekly points and even ended up swapping some of my activity points.

One of my biggest challenges last week was being in training for two days. I enjoyed the training, but that meant that I was sitting most of the day. As a classroom teacher who is used to walking around a a lot, it was hard to get my activity in. I definitely did not reach my FitBit step goals those two days. But I did make sure to get 35 minute HIIT workout in both days to make up for it.

My biggest success last week was actually not Weight Watcher related at all - my hubby and I paid off our mortgage! We've been saving for a while and we had some really good timing with some stock options so we decided to go for it. We own our house free and clear - well, except taxes (death and taxes right?) - but kept the celebration in check. One small glass of champagne with our points friendly dinner!

And that brings me to my Weekend Confession:

Bless Me Jean Nidetch for I have gone off program!

Well, like I said, not really! Every thing was tracked and counted and nothing ended up in the negative number this week!

But I did have some indulgences!

Monday - Friday I took my weekly points and divided them up over 7 days and added them to my total, so I tried to spend 30-34 points per day. Monday I used 30, Tuesday 34, Wednesday 34, Thursday 37 (oops!), and Friday 31.

Saturday my mom and sister from Jersey came to visit so I just got bagels from the bagel place for lunch. But one bagel, with real cream cheese (I scraped almost all of it off), and orange juice put me at 27 points just for lunch. Then for dinner we got take out (Chinese) but I ordered my usual for only 12 points. I could have said well I already blew it today let me order the General Tso's chicken - but I didn't! Still, at the end of the day Saturday was 51 points.

Sunday was more indulgences - this time candy. We bought Gummy Worms to make "Worms in Dirt" dessert for my daughter. So guess who snacked on a few at the store? And then when prepping dessert? Yeah, me. But they were tracked! And, I smartly made only one dessert cup because my daughter never finishes anything. Even chocolate! (I know, right? Like, is this really my kid?) But, guess who finished her dessert? Oh yea, me again. But it was tracked! At the end of Sunday I was at 47 points for the day.

However, even with the indulgences on the weekend I had a very successful week!

My take away from this week is this: Even when you have a bad couple of weeks, it's ok. Weight Watchers gives you the tools you need to take back control and get back on track. As a lifetime member, this is so important because these things are going to happen. Life happens. It's how you handle it that matters. And I'm so thankful to have Weight Watchers to show me the way.

My plans for this week coming up are to keep the momentum going! I think I'm going to keep my points in "losing" mode and see what happens! I haven't been down in the 120's in about 5 years since I got pregnant with my daughter so it would be nice to see those numbers again, especially with summer coming!

So I'll be back on Wednesday with my Weekly Meeting Topic discussion (which I can't see on the website yet - it's still showing me last week's topic) and for Friday Fitness this week I'm going to talk about some of the wardrobe and equipment that I can't workout without! Have a beautiful week everybody!

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