Monday, May 13, 2013

And We're Back!

Well, almost back to my pre-pregnancy weight! 11 lbs. to go!

So yes, I took a long time off from this blog because I was having a baby! You can't really talk about maintaining weight loss when you are gaining pregnancy weight so I had to take a hiatus.

Also, at the time first trimester fatigue hit me HARD (I literally slept through the months of July and August) so I couldn't even keep up with my fitness efforts.

But, 14 months after having the cutest baby on the planet I am back at Weight Watchers, and just this week I've gone back to exercise so I am ready to start blogging again.

I don't think I'll be able to keep with my previous frequency, but I'll be updating when I can about getting back to goal and maintaining my weight now that I'm a mommy.

So just a quick update on my stats:

Pre-pregnancy weight: 124
Highest pregnancy weight: 169 (45 lbs.! Yikes!)
Current weight 134.8

As I said, I just got back into my fitness routine this week. I am going to try to get back into FIRMing, but I've also decided to start running. I have a jogging stroller and running is one of the few activities I can do together with my little girl. And being that I have to work full time, I want to spend as much time with her as I can! I'm not so sure when I'll be able to fit my FIRM workouts in just yet... I'll work on that. But I do miss the strength training so I will be figuring that out.

So this week, I started the Couch to 5K program. I was pretty pleased that I got through it ok and felt great afterward! I'm slightly sore today, but overall, I feel great! I never really was interested in running before, but as I said, I wanted to get back to activity AND spend time with my baby. So running makes the most sense for me.

So that's that! Not sure when I'll update again, but I'll try to make it once a week.

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