Friday, April 29, 2011

Friday Fitness

Been thinking today about the concept of moderation.

I usually think of it when I think of food - you know, indulge in moderation. Small splurges, not binges. Cheat meals instead of cheat days (or weeks!). Etc. Etc.

But when it comes to fitness I tend to beat myself up - a lot - when I have to skip a workout.

Now, I'm not talking about making excuses.  There are times when I say "Oh, I don't have time" but in reality I don't make time - and I know when that happens. And I do beat myself up for those days - as I should.

But yesterday I twisted my knee.  Bad.  I wasn't even doing anything good! I had to squat to get something out of a cabinet under the sink and then... OW!

And I am actually beating myself up over this!

I have to remind myself that fitness, like diet, needs moderation as well.  You can't give 100% for 100% of the time.  You'll wear your body out. And you'll just cause more injury in the long run...

I just hate feeling inactive.

It's funny - I never used to exercise really.  I lost all my weight without it.  But once I got active it was hard to not want that all the time.  It feels really good when you're finished with a workout!

So, since the weather is gorgeous (squee!) I am going to go for a walk today.  Maybe I can't handle plyo lunges, but that doesn't mean I have to sit on the couch and feel my ass spreading!

Fitness can't be all or nothing. Moderation is key. Sometimes you'll be sick. Sometimes you'll be injured. Or sometimes you'll just have one of those days. But you have to realize that it's the rest of your life that matters - not one day, or one week, or even a few months.  You do what you can to stay healthy as best as you can.

Moderation :)

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