Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wednesday Weekly Meeting Topic: New Foods

This week's topic was all about alleviating diet boredom by trying new foods.

I'll be the first to admit - I am very consistent when it comes to what I eat for breakfast.  It's either oatmeal or yogurt with fruit mixed in, or eggs.  Once in a while if I'm feeling indulgent I'll make waffles or pancakes.  But that's usually a treat for me on the weekends when I have a little more time to prep my breakfast.

When it comes to lunch - it's usually leftovers.  Just about all recipes make 4-6 servings so I take the extra to work with me for lunch.

Dinners are almost always new recipes for me.  I love looking up new recipes online or in a magazine.  I like to cook and most techniques are not too advanced for me. (Although I've yet to master tempering eggs for creamy sauces - I always end up with scrambled eggs. I definitely need more practice there...)

However when it comes to trying new food items on an everyday sort of basis - I'm at a loss.  I live in a smallish community and therefore the supermarkets are small.  What's great about that is they carry a LOT of fresh, local produce.  But when it comes to buying anything other than basic ingredients, I am usually at a loss.  So I don't really get to try a lot of new foods.

At the meeting, my leader mostly talked about quinoa (which is not new to me - I use it, and I love it!) and then she asked some members to share what they'd tried recently. I heard nothing that was new to me.

One thing that is recently new to my regular menu is grapefruit.  I never liked grapefruit in the past, but recently I decided to try it again to see if my tastes had changed (as they often do).  As it turns out, I now LOVE grapefruit! So it's not something new, but it's new to my usual breakfast rotation :)

Now, when it comes to trying new things when we are out and about - that's a different story! I love traveling and I love trying new things when we are eating out.  I've had everything from rabbit, to alligator, lamb's tongue and escargot.

Trying new things is never a problem for me!

I think it has a lot to do with the way I was raised. As a kid I had to taste everything! But, if I didn't like it, I never had to finish it.  And that's how I eat now as an adult.  I'll try anything. If I don't like it - I'll never have to eat it again.

So here's to new food [imaginary glass "clinks"] and new adventures in cooking.

Because as the title says - Lifetime means the rest of your whole life and if you don't shake it up, you're not really living!

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