Monday, May 2, 2011

Monday Weigh In/Weekend Confessional: Home Improvement Edition

Last week: 125.4
This week: 126
Net: + 0.4

Maintenance: Success!

Ah Monday morning. Monday's suck. Today is worse than usual due to the home improvement scenario mentioned in the title.

We are remodeling one of our bathrooms.  We've been planning and talking about this ever since we bought our house 9 years ago but this past month the vision came together and we decided to move forward with it this week.

Thursday we had a contractor come over and gut the entire room down to the studs.  He also put dry wall on our ceiling, leveled the floor so it's ready for tile, and installed a vent and a space heater and a couple of new light fixtures. And that's where his job ended.  We are putting the rest of the room back together ourselves from the plumbing and the dry wall to the paint and the fixtures. We are the king and queen of do it yourself this week (and likely for the next month)!

So Friday night I made a quick light dinner so we could get to work right away. We worked until about midnight. Then Saturday we got started pretty early and, again, worked until about midnight.  Sunday we took our time getting started and we only worked until about 7 o'clock or so.

At least on the bathroom. Once that was finished for the day, I still had to straighten up the house, vacuum all the dust, mop all the floors, get my lunch and coffee ready for the next day, and rotate three more loads of laundry.

Then, last night at about 10:15 I was getting ready for bed when I saw that the president was going to address the nation about an unknown topic regarding national security. Well, I had to stay up for THAT!

If you do the math you'll see that was three nights in a row I got to sleep well after midnight.  Needless to say, I am a walking zombie today.

On the positive side, I was so busy installing dry wall and spackle this weekend that I didn't have a single minute to indulge! So my weekend confessional will be very short:

Bless Me Jean Nidetch for I have gone off program:

Saturday night I was starving from all the construction and I indulged in two, regular sized, greasy, cheesy, slices of pizza (I normally have only one slice).

Sunday I indulged in a large glass of wine to unwind after all the construction (Hey! I earned it!) and earlier in the day I indulged in a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup package while I was standing in line at the supermarket.

But other than that, like I said, I had no time to eat really much of anything.

As for tonight - more spackle is on the agenda. I need to do some sanding and a couple of spots need to be touched up.  I'm hoping we can paint by the end of the week :o)

Looking ahead this week I would like to stick to my points target a little better. Last week I used all of my daily, weekly, and activity points and then I used another 7 on top of that (thanks in part to the extra slice of pizza and the vino).

And I would like to really focus on cutting out the sugar. I indulged way to often last week, even though I know I feel way better without it. Birthday parties at work always get me. And then, if I had sugar once, it's easy to rationalize having it the rest of the week (It because of the "I blew one day, may as well blow the whole week" mentality...)

I would also like to get at least three to four days of activity in this week.  Normally I'd shoot a little higher, but with the home improvement stuff I figure that's about all I have time for this week.

That's all for now! Till Wednesday...

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