Friday, March 5, 2010


Because Friday means kick boxing! Haven't been there in about three weeks. First we were on vacation, then we had a snow storm, finally got to go back! It was like, starting over practically! I forgot how hard that guy drives us!!!! But - by keeping up w/ my workouts, I did better w/ the push ups this time. I can't wait to be able to do them on my toes... (sigh, dream...)

Burned 630 calories! Oh yeah!!!

Speaking of calories - I have to feed my cat. She's driving me nuts right now!

So I have about 6 points left for dinner today. I've been trying to eat only my activity points and not dip into my flex if I can avoid it. I think today I'll use a few though. That's what they are there for, right?

And as far as the weekend... hmmmmmm... weather's supposed to be warmer - so perhaps a city night? Ah, sweet city nights... That's how you know it's spring! Hm, maybe I should save my flex points for a few beers at the Back Fence???

As far as food today - 6 points for bfast (Oatmeal w/ banana & light OJ) and 6 points for lunch (chicken hummus wrap, orange, carrots, LF cheese). Two point bar when I got home from Kick boxing.

My metabolism must be high on crack right now though b/c I'm absolutely starving again.

Not sure about dinner - maybe greek? Lentil soup, whole wheat pits and a small salad ought to do it! A little high in points, but at least I know it's got ingredients that are good for me!

So that's it for this week. I hope to survive the weekend! Still trying to break that 135 barrier (back up .8 today for a total of 136.6) but I know it will come as long as I keep at it!

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