Saturday, March 6, 2010

Happy Saturday!

It is sunny and warm out there!!!! Oh, this is such a nice day! It's the first day where it really feels like spring!!!

So yesterday we did go out for greek food - it was yummy. Totally enjoyed the lentil soup and the small side salad. A bunch of points, but I've got some to spare.

Today is my one rest day this week. Tomorrow starts another six day cycle.

Still not losing weight though... Stayed the same today as yesterday. At least it's not a gain. Not sure what I could do differently though.

The one week on clean eating was great. Maybe I should get some books or something and find out more about it. It was hard cooking every night though (I'm so tired).

I was hoping to have lost more before I went to Disney later this month. I guess I just have to keep watching what I eat and trying to keep exercising.

Well that's it for today. I think we may be going into NYC tonight... so I'll let you know how it goes. Oh Back Fence and Washington Square park, how i've missed you!

Happy Weekend!

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