Saturday, February 20, 2010


Yesterday was an improvement over Wednesday and Thursday, which were, sufficed to say, disasters of diet days.

Even though I did well with my food, worked out (Upper Body - boy are my shoulders screaming at me today!), I still gained yet another pound. So that's 4.4 lbs. gain in three days.


But, what can you do? What are your choices? Give up? Give in?

No way - the only option is to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and try again. It's just frustrating because it took me a few weeks to lose 4.4 lbs. and only a few days to gain it back.

But tomorrow I'm starting a detox and I'm hoping that will give me a little boost. I am eliminating sugar (eek!) and slowing weaning off caffeine (double EEK!) plus drinking my favorite Arbonne SeaSource Spa Herbal Detox.

As for today - I am having dinner out with the girls :o) I'm not going to drink though. I don't want to start a detox an be hung over. So I'll enjoy one cocktail, and then water. And I've looked at the menu and I know what I'll be ordering so that I don't go too out of control. The other girls I think are fairly health conscious, so I hope they are not going to order tempting appetizers and desserts. I guess I'll deal with that when the time comes...

What I don't want to do is go overboard today knowing that I'm going to detox tomorrow. I know that won't help.

At any rate, that's my weight journey for today. I'll check in tomorrow and report how dinner went. And I'll let you know how the detox started.


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