Tuesday, March 18, 2008


I was doing so well. I was really on a roll. And then - this week - this fucking week. I don't honestly know what happened, but I totally fell off of the wagon, rolled down the embankment, and landed in a ditch. Then - a storm brougt in the rising tide water, and a giant sea serpent kicked my ass!!!

That's the kind of week I had - food wise. I haven't counted a point in a week and when that happens I totally start eating whatever my eyes fall on - and it totally showed up on the scale. I didn't weigh in at the meeting today (I'll get into that in a bit) but thank god I have a scale at home. If I didn't weigh myself here, then who knows what might happen next.

So, as it is, according to my home scale, I have gained back about 3 lbs. (depending on the day and time of day I weigh, but that's a pretty good average) in a week. Yikety yikes.

On the other hand, I have stayed on track with my workouts! Yay! So I guess that's something to be proud of. =) That actually brings me back to why I didn't go to the meeting - I was working out today after work. I had to get up early to get to the bagel place. You see, today was the reading dept. turn to host the faculty breakfast, and I voluteered to bring the bagels. I didn't want to be late, so I decided to get up at 5 (which is the time I get up when I'm working out) and not work out but go to the bagel store - but only if I promised myself to work out first thing after work. So I did. I nearly took a nap when I was driving home, but I walked in the door, put on my sweats, and did it! Yay! But if I had gone to the meeting, I definately wouldn't have had the energy to work out. So I decided to go straight home and go to a meeting later in the week.

So last Thursday was Cardio Sculpt from BSS 1, Friday was Body Sculpt from BSS 1. Then Sat. was Cardio Inferno from BSS 5 followed by Slim & Sculpt Pilates. Ouch - my shoulders! Sunday was rest day (my shoulders were thankful), then yesterday was Total Body Toner from the BSS 5 add-on, and today was Complete Aerobics and Weight Training from BSS 2. I like the BSS 2 workouts. I really get a good sweat on and I feel like my muscles are really doing their thing. It probably is partly due to my trying to heavy up, but I really do feel it. Tomorrow will be Express Cardio from BSS 3 and 2 ab workouts from FIRM Abs (part of BSS 2). And then a rest day. Thank goodness. B/c I'm feeling it this month!

This is the first month that I've actually tried to follow the specialty rotation on the FIRM website, so it's sort of new for me. I have been looking for a challenge. Back in the fall after I hurt my back I really felt saggy. I read somewhere that it only takes 2-6 weeks to lose muscle mass. On the other hand, I also read that once you get back in the game, you bulid it back faster than you did when you were starting from scratch. Yippee for me! But I've been feeling that even though I've been working out I wasn't building muscle back as quickly as I would've liked. But following this rotation, I feel challenged and I feel sore once again the next day. The past week has been great! I wish I could've been w/ it all month, but, as I blogged earlier, my knee was being sucky.

Ah well - I'm doing it now and that's what is important.

So that's that. And as I sit here and write this I am promising myself that I will be back on track w/ my food tomorrow. And I am hoping that by just simply writing this here in cyberspace that it will help me make that committment and hold me accountable to my words.

Tomorrow - is another day!

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