Monday, March 24, 2008

New Beginnings

Okay, I know, that title is corny - but I think it suits the last week.

So, last post I bitched and moaned about being out of control. As it turns out I did not make it to a meeting last week. I know, it's not that I couldn't find time, it's that I chose not to find the time. But that's neither here nor there right now. I did, however, weigh regularly at home and even logged my weight at home on the web site's weight tracker. So there. Accountable.

So, after one week of being out of control and gaining, I am pretty much back to where I was two weeks ago. Same weight - which is good. So - now I just need to work on getting those last couple of lbs. off. I know I can do it! I just know I can! It just seems to hard to grasp right now for whatever reason.

Well, technically, I'll need to drop just one lb. to be at the same weight that I was the day before Thanksgiving. But that was up about one lb. from where I usually like to be.

So this weekend I did eat out, but kept everything in check. Yesterday was Easter, but I didn't do anything big. My mom-in-law came over w/ some bagels and since I don't have kids the chocolate was no problem! Also, I am trying to cook more so that I can have better control over my points at dinner time.

As far as exercise I've been right on track. Although yesterday I took a rest day when I was supposed to work out, but I made up for it today (which was supposed to be a rest day) so it's all even now. So today was Super Cardio Sculpt and Core Solutions. Tomorrow is Jiggle Free Arms (I am going to try and heavy up! Wish me luck!), Wednesday is Bootcamp (Awesome! I haven't done that one in a long time and it's one of my favs!), and Thursday is Calorie Killer plus some extra core work. I originally had Core Solutions on the calendar, but I might do Firm Abs since Calorie Killer is also from BSS 2 and I'll already have the fanny lifter and sculpting stick out anyway. That'll be the second time this week that I've changed my calendar around a bit. Ah well. Anyway, Friday is a rest day and then Saturday is Yoga, Sunday is Total Body Lite and Monday is more Yoga.

Next weekend is super busy too - it's March tea time! So that's going to be an afternoon off program - but that's okay. Every day is a new day and Monday will be right back on track!

So that's it for now. I am actually going to go to a meeting tonight. I have to go to the pet store anyway to get crickets for the frog, and it's right in the same shopping center. Plus I need to get some gas before work tomorrow so I don't have to do it in the morning. Also I have to go out food shopping -- so since I'm out doing all this shit anyway, I might as well go to a meeting and get some extra support. I needed to do this on my own this week - I don't know if I would've done it if I hadn't said it for myself - but now I think I'd like the group hug.

Hmmmm, huggy whiskers.

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