Wednesday, February 6, 2008

okay, a little better

So weigh in yesterday - down 1.2 lbs. So finally my holiday weight is shrinking once again. However, I am not sure if I will be able to lose the last of it (I have about 4 lbs. to go) before I leave for vacation. And you know the rules - no points on vacation.

Not that has to be a rule, but we love, love, love the fine dining when we're out and we love to sample new foods, so rather than feel deprived, I choose to indulge on vacation and if that means a gain --- I deal with it.

So, checking in today with Ultimate Calorie Blaster from BSS 4 (an old fav) and as far as points - well - I am sorry to say that I am going to go over my weekly allowance once again. Not too bad though - what killed me was Kristen's peanut butter blonide bars. OMG were they good. But, I only had one and that means that I will be over points by 3 this week. Four if I decide to have a 100 calorie hostess cake later.

But I technically earned a quite a few activity points this week, so it's probably not really over points. I'm just trying not to eat them if I can avoid it b/c I know that will enhance my weight loss efforts right now.

So, my points reset tomorrow - BUT - Saturday is the valentine's day dinner dance. So, I am not going to count points for that food, but what I will do instead is do my very best to leave all of my 35 flex points in tact for the week.

As far as limiting my points that day - that I'm not so sure about. You see our friends from Rye will be on the island for the day (they have an appointment at their accountant, who also happends to be our accountant) and we will likely be going out for lunch. So I will try my best to order healthy, this way I should still have many of my daily points allowance for dinner. And, it's a dinner dance, I should be able to earn some activity points. Right?

So tomorrow is a rest day and friday is... hang on, I forget, I have to look...

Total Body Toner from BSS 5, with Alli. I never did this one - I think. I should watch it tonight so that I'm not totally thrown by the choreography.

Well, that's it for now. I'll keep you posted about next week. Hopefully I can have a loss even with the dinner dance.

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