Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Can you say out of control? Cause that's what I've been the last couple of days.

30 points in a day? OMG!!!

I am hoping that just writing this down will help me re-focus tomorrow. I was doing so well. Really, really well. Then yesterday and today I feel like I've been starving. And while I am choosing low-cal snacks, it doesn't help that I'm choosing like 5 of them a day. 100 calorie packs, string cheese, granola bars, you name it - I'm scarfing it down like I'm never gonna eat again.

I don't know where this is coming from b/c I am eating things that normally fill me up pretty well.

Oh - and it doesn't help that I've got girl scout cookies in the house! Do you know how hard it is to not eat them all right now? ugh.

It's times like these that I feel gross. And I'm sure it's going to show up on the scale.

Oh, and that doesn't even count the four course dinner I ate Sat. night that I was supposed to not use any of my flex points for this week. My plan was not to figure out how many points dinner was on Sat. but just to not use my weekly flex points.

Well, I haven't calculated Sat. night's points, but as I sit here now I have 11 flex points left for the week. That's right - 11.

I soooooo, so, went over this week. ugh.

And next week I am on vacation. Sunday is tea and then it's off to the most magical place on earth. No, the other one. On the west coast. That's right. So you know there's no counting points on vacation right? Plus, I've booked dinner in one of the county's most renouned restaurants so you can be sure that I'll be eating well that night.

Ah well. At least I lost a good chunk of my holiday weight before I left so I won't be completely back to square one. I usually aim to gain about 4 pounds on any given vacation. Ugh. I might try to make this the first vacation where I lose weight! LOL!

At any rate - I just wanted to rant about being totally out of control in the hopes that it will help make tomorrow a better day.

After all, tomorrow is - another day...

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