Wednesday, January 30, 2008





although I must admit that it is all my fault. We hosted a tea party on sunday and it was like, "points? what are those?"

actually, i should really just be glad that the scale went in the right direction at all...

and next week is period week - and that usually means a gain - not a loss. So, I am recommiting myself for this upcoming week. I vow to stick to my workout calendar. I vow to stick to my points and to try and use a few flex points as possible. Because next saturday is the valentine's day dinner dance that we are going to. So that week I'm gong to try and not use any flex points at all and save them for that night. and that day i'm going to try and stick w/ mostly low or zero points foods and snacks. I have a plan! yay!

So today, being that I only lost .2 and it's the last day of the week, I went over points. But not crazy. I had seven for breakfast and seven for lunch, and 10 for dinner. over by 4 points. but I also had a special K bar that I hadn't planned on (2 points) and a rice krispy treats (another 2 points).

Oh, and I put my heart rate monitor on this am for a little calorie counting and was super diappointed in Cardio Dance Slim down. 40 minutes and barely 200 calories. Not the best fat blaster. Tomorrow is a rest day - I have class until 9 and I don't get home until 10, so my day is long enough w/o having to get up early to work out - but I have my February calendar all printed out and ready to go. Friday is Super Body Sculpt (I think that's what it's called) from BSS 1. Then, this month I'm going for an Arm/Abs thing so on three days I have combined a 30 minute arms w/ a 30 minute abs. Of all the places I lost muscle mass during my workout hiatus, I feel like my upper body lost the most. And even though this month i've been doing as much sculpting this month, I still feel like my arms are not caught up to where I was.

BTW, speaking of building muscle, Total Body Time Crunch totally kicked my inner thighs ass! I really feel them today. And most workouts I usually feel that they are not really hit, so this one was really good.

Finally - the naked vs. clothing test happened the other day and the verdict is what we've always said all along... 2 pounds for clothes is about right. well, on this particular day it was 1.8. but you get the idea.

So that's it for now. I gotta run, and make the hot cocoa. Friday will be a challenge b/c I'm not in my building, we are scoring the ELA, but I'll do my best to make a healthy choice when we eat out. Maybe DelFiore for Pizza. they make the BEST pizza. yum. :P

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