Thursday, November 1, 2007

It's been a long road

OMG, the day after my last post - no kidding - the day after - My back went out. I mean out - like the most unbelievably severe muscle spasm I've had in about 2 years. The worst part is, I have no idea what caused it. I mean, I know it started after I had a car accident about 2 1/2 years ago, but I haven't had any pain since the initial 6 months of hell.

Then it went out. I called in sick 3 day in a row because of it - let me put it this way... I haven't called in sick three days in the last three years, let along 3 days in a row in one week.

So that was a while ago. Since then I have been recovering and not working out for fear of hurting myself - an since I was off program anyway I may as well go off program with my food, right? So that's what I did. 6 weeks of not counting a single point.

At first it wasn't too bad. I wasn't counting any points, but I wasn't going crazy. I was still making mostly healthy choices. But you know how it goes - by the end of my little 6 week program vacation I had eaten everything from brownies, to bangers and mash, to an entire box of mac n cheese. At least I made it w/ light butter and 1% milk...

So, I said to myself enough is enough and today was my first day back on program in about a month and a half. I knew it would be so last night I was on weight watchers dot com and I updated my stats and my daily points quiz. Then I went to firmdirect dot com and printed out a rotation calendar for the month. Then, I don't have all those videos so I spent the time figuring out substitutions and making my own calendar up.

And... I DID IT!! I woke up early to work out w/ Jiggle Free Buns. Then, I spent the entire day on program! Breakfast was oatmeal (made w/ 1% milk) and coffee w/ 2 tbs. of that Fat Free French Vanilla creamer. For a mid-morning snack I had a Low Fat chocolate chunk granola bar. For lunch, whole wheat pasta w/ broccoli, cauliflower, a little olive oil, a little parm cheese, and a few toasted pine nuts. And for dinner - well, I had a graduate class tonight and therefore I did stop at Mc D's, BUT I totally ordered a grilled chicken w/ NO mayo, NO fries, and NO soda. YAY!! And, I got home and was hungry but out of points - so the dilema - do I dip into the flex, or no? Well, I didn't have to because after a little scrounging around I found some cans of that zero point progresso soup! I forgot I bought it. Whooo hooo! The day was saved.

Okay, so I'm totally psyched. I have spent the entire day on program. Yipee skippee.
And tomorrow I plan to stay that way. I am getting up early to do Cardio Inferno and I don't have a food plan for tomorrow, but I'll do my best. I think I have an idea for lunch and breakfast is easy enough as long as I choose something that I know is low points. Maybe some egg beaters and some cheese - like a little omlette. Mmmmm, tasty. I'm not sure about dinner though. And tomorrow is Friday, which is traditionally a high calorie day. But - I'm on track and confident. And totally committed these days.

Okay, not days. Just today. But I gotta good feeling about tomorrow.

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