Monday, August 6, 2007

week of august 6, monday

Hey all. So sorry i havn't been able to check in these days. Been busy, busy, busy.

Let's start where I left off.

So Tuesday I had my weekly weigh in - the good news: I lost the pound and a half I gained from my PMS week. The bad news: I still have three pounds to lose to get back to my weight from before the end of the school year and Fourth of July.

I couldn't figure it out at first. All last year, any time I went away on vacation and gained, all I had to do was go back to my regular weight maintenance plan (still eating my Daily Points Target for maintenace, still eating all 35 Flex Points, and still eating the activity points I've earned) and I'd lose the weight, usually in one or two weeks. But this time that didn't happen. For three weeks I've been trying to shrug these three pounds and I couldn't figure out why they are stuck.

Then, it hit me - duh! In the past, I had come back from vacation, and gone straight back to work as a teacher. Standing and walking around most of the day was the norm. Now, I'm on summer vacation and while I continue to FIRM four days a week, the rest of the day I'm usually sitting - either on the beach, or by the pool. No wonder!

So, I decided to give my efforts a big jump start. I started by going back to my Daily Points Target for weight loss and I stopped eating my activity points. I am still going through my Flex Points, but that's what they are there for. Besides, unlike last weekend, I haven't been going too crazy.

So Tuesday I FIRMed with Total Sculpt plus Abs from BSS2. Wednesday is my rest days in the summer. Thursday I FIRMed with Complete Aerobics and Weight Training from BSS2. Friday, we drove the boat out to Cherry Grove. We left pretty early, so no time to FIRM. However, we spent the whole day walking - we walked along the beach to Sailor's Haven, walked through the Sunken Forest (so not all it was hyped up to be), and then walked back along the beach. We also walked through town a bit - so I didn't feel too bad about skipping a work-out because I did get lots of activity in anyway.

That night for dinner I had a lobster roll (not the best) and I even ate the fries because I has such small meals for breakfast and lunch, so I had the points to spare.

Saturday we drove the boat back home. I was feeling little sick from the motion of the boat, so I didn't have much to eat that day. For dinner, however, I was feeling fine once more, so we went to the Olive Garden. I had one of their "low-fat" menu items - Venetian Apricot Chicken. I wasn't sure of the points, but their low-fat options are usually not too bad. When I got home I checked the website - according to their nutrition info it was only 9 points! I didn't even need my Flex Points for the breadstick I had!

Sunday I had planned to get back into my FIRMing groove - that is until I slipped and fell down the stairs. Ouch. And today I woke up unable to really turn my head in any direction - and my whole back hurts from my next to my tail bone. I guess it will be a few more days until I get back to my FIRMing groove.

Ah well, I'm not too worried. I already feel miserable and lethargic without my usual workout schedule, so I know the minute I feel better, I'll get my groove back. But I think I'm going to take tomorrow off from exercise too.

That said, tomorrow is weigh in day. I am hoping that this week will bring me a number that I am happy with. I know that living with weight maintenance isn't all about the numbers, but still... you can't help but be a slave to the scale in this phase. When you're losing you can measure inches, but when you're maintaining, you kinda have to live by the scale. I dunno. I will see what tomorrrow brings, and I will adjust my plan with my latest data. Until tomorrow then...

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