Monday, May 2, 2016

Monday Weigh-in/Weekend Confession: Family Fun Time Edition

Happy Monday! Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Let's get to this!

Last week: 130.8
This week: 128.9
Difference: - 1.9 ?!?
Say Whaaaaaaaaaa???

Maintenance: Better than success! I lost nearly 2 pounds! Woot Woot!!

Ok, so let me be clear - I have no idea how that happened, or why it happened. I have no secret recipe for success this week. But I can say this - I ate all my daily points every day, I ate all (and I mean every one!) of the FitPoints I'd earned, and I even tapped into two of my Weekly points. I only got in five of my usual six workouts this week - more on that when I get to my weekend confession - so it's not increased activity. It's not eating less. It's just one of those odd times when you do some things wrong and the scale moves down. Not that I did anything wrong per se - I tracked everything I ate and stayed within my points, I just didn't have the cleanest week as far as food choices.

Which leads me right into the weekend confession:

Bless me Jean Nidetch for I have gone off program!

Monday I learned a valuable lesson about pizza: pizza in the tracker is 8 SP per slice from a 14" pie, and Pizza in NY is a LOT bigger than that! So a regular NY slice is more like 13 points. And I had one of those for lunch. But counted it! As predicted last week since I was on vacation from work but home I snacked a lot on Monday. Nothing bad - just more than usual. I had 13 points worth of snacks - string cheese and Triscuits, and skinny latte from Starbucks, a chocolate WW smoothie w/ PB2 added... On top of that a 13 point slice of pizza for lunch you can see how quickly my points disappeared! But I only spent 8 on dinner and 7 on breakfast so it wasn't a bad day overall. 41 points used. And I earned 5 FitPoints from my workout DVD.

Tuesday I met a friend so that our two little ones could have a play date. She brought Starbucks and then we all went out for pizza for lunch. Where I had two big NY slices, plus a few bites of the slice my daughter didn't finish. I counted 28 points for the pizza and 4 for the skinny latte. Yeah, I blew 32 points on lunch. And then hubby came home with Chinese. Another 12 for dinner. Plus breakfast and snacks, I had a 62 point day. Yowza! I did get a workout in on Tuesday as well, so that helped limit the damage.

Wednesday was no better. We went down to the marina to start working on the boat for the season. Boat season = Mike's Lemonade season (and yeah I know I could buy the light ones but they're just not as tasty IMO). So I had one for 11 SP with my lunch. And then I made hamburgers for dinner. Plus breakfast and snacks I had another high SP day of 50 points. But according to the tracker I earned 10 FitPoints for 2.5 hours of waxing and washing the boat! Not too shabby!

Thursday was another high point day. Again being home I had a lot of snacks that added up fast. Add that to the fact that for dinner I was really in the mood for spaghetti and meatballs and a glass of wine. Plus I had some Girl Scouts cookies in the freezer that called to me... Total for the day was 51 points. But earned some more activity both from my workout and from some more cleaning of the boat stuff - 7 FitPoints total!

Friday was a better start. Great breakfast and lunch. But then I was the one that brought home the Chinese (12 SP) this time and later that night was I was again in the mood for a more decadent treat so I had some hot cocoa with marshmallows and a WW mini bar. Plus all the extra snacking that comes from being around the house, it came to 17 SP just in snacks. I did get my workout in again though and added 5 more FitPoints to the total.

Then came the weekend - Family Time! So no working out! We had a full on family time weekend. We went to the library, the bouncy house, the park, the beach, Chuck E Cheese, the children's museum, the outlets... Not to mention the usual weekend chores of Costco, food shopping, laundry and meal prep for the week. So there was no time for working out! Now, you'd think being on the go would lead to bad food choices, but the weekend was actually not too terrible for me food wise! Saturday we packed ham sandwiches for lunch on the go and my daughter wanted to eat dinner at home so we came home and I made fish tacos for dinner. Sunday we also came home for lunch and I cooked dinner at home again! I did indulge in the evening treats though (hot cocoa and marshmallows again!) and so both days were high. 44 SP for Saturday and 43 SP for Sunday.

In addition to all the workouts I did, I also earned some FitPoints just for walking around according to my FitBit, so that's what saved me this week I think.

So how did I lose nearly 2 pounds? No idea. Will it be sustainable? Only time will tell.

My take away from this week is that being out of a routine throws you for a loop - but it doesn't have to destroy you or even derail you. As long as you are tracking and making good choices overall, indulgences can be part of the plan. Will I indulge like that again this week? Definitely no. But it's nice to know that sometimes things in life happen and the scale can still go your way.

Have a great week. I'll be back on Wednesday to discuss this week's meeting topic: emotional eating. Oy what a topic!  See you then!

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