Monday, April 25, 2016

Monday Weigh-In/Weekend Confession: Spring Has Finally Sprung! Edition

Good morning and Happy Monday to all!

Last week: 130.6
This week: 130.8
Difference: + 0.2
Maintenance: success!!

I hope everyone had a good week! This past week was busy for me! I was on daycare drop-off duty three out of five days last week, BUT the good news is the WW breakfast squares I bought (they sell them at the meetings) were a great option and I was able to resist the Starbucks call on my way to work! Meaning my breakfast was only 5 SP for the breakfast bar instead of 11 SP for a bagel and cream cheese. Huzzah!

This week coming up I have a few food challenges. First, I'm on vacation from work for the next four days. Sometimes this is good - when I'm not out and about I'm less tempted to stop at Starbucks (seriously, I have a problem!) And sometimes it's bad because when I'm home I'm more tempted to snack. Not that I have junk around the house to snack on, but I'll look to the kitchen more often out of boredom and those little 1, 2, and 3 SP snacks can add up fast.

I'm not too worried about that this week though - I have a lot to do today! Laundry, work out, menu planning for the week and food shopping to name a few. Plus I have to get up to daycare by 3:30 for the spring festival - petting zoo, story time, kite flying and Mr. Softee (for my daughter!).  So hopefully I'll be too busy to snack much. Tuesday I'll be hanging with a friend at her place and probably ordering pizza for lunch - so I can easily plan and track that. Wednesday and Thursday I'm going to get my Mr. Miyagi on and wax the boat so I won't be home for mindless snacking much then either. (And for any of you young'uns reading who have no idea who Mr. Miyagi is: - oh but keep the volume down as there's some language in here that's NSFW or little ears!) I'll bring a picnic down to the marina for lunch - but the waxing of the boat also traditionally includes our first beer of the season so I'll have to plan my points for that. On the other hand, I'm going to be spending hours waxing so that's gotta earn enough FitPoints to justify a beer, right? Right?

The biggest challenge I have this week is that hubby and I will be visiting our favorite cow-themed restaurant for breakfast one of these days. I think I've talked about this place before. It's sooooooooo good. But last time we went I managed to use my FitPoints and Weekly points together and still stay on budget, so I'm hopeful that this week will be the same. I just gotta make sure the rest of my week is on point.

And speaking of staying on point, that brings me to my weekend confession:

Bless me Jean Nidetch for I have gone off program!

Well, not really. I did pretty good this weekend. Saturday we had a birthday party for one of the kids in my daughter's daycare class. Knowing this we planned for a late lunch so I wouldn't be tempted to eat pizza or cake at the party (though I did end up taking two bites of pizza that my daughter didn't want to finish and two bites of cupcake that my daughter didn't want to finish - I tracked them all!). Saturday night we went to the mall and I had chicken tacos - they assemble them to order so I was able to keep the high fat toppings on the side for portion control :)

Sunday I got a ton of FitPoints earned so I decided to indulge in three (yes three!) evening treats. Not really going off program though since I'd earned the points, but I had a mug of hot cocoa with three marshmallows (8 SP), a WW Salted Caramel Mini-bar (3 SP) and 3 Girl Scouts Tag-a-longs (for another 9 SP). But like I said, I had the points so I used them!

At the end of the week I had FitPoints to spare and I hadn't even cracked my Weekly points :)

Weight Watchers really does make maintenance easy to do! And as you can see by my weekly numbers - it works!

So my take away for the week is this - when you're at goal and trying to maintain your weight you have to keep doing what you've always been doing. Planning, tracking, weighing and measuring, being honest about your BLTs, and exercise. All of the behaviors you adopt to help you lose are the same things that will help you maintain. Yes, it's tedious. And no one like to hear that once you reach goal the hard work isn't over. But that's why my blog is called "Lifetime" Means Lifetime. You need to keep all these good habits for the rest of your life.

Have a great week and I'll be back on Wednesday to talk about this week's meeting topic: Go Out and Play!

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