Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Monday Weigh-In/Weekend Confessional

One day late :)

But I didn't know how I was going to structure this blog until this morning, so that's why I'm late this week.

So, here goes:

Last week: 126
This week: 125.4
+/- Change: -0.4

Maintenance success!

***Just for a bit of background, my official WW goal weight is 128. I prefer to stay about 2 lbs. below that so that I have a little bit of a cushion in case of a serious splurge.  And in the summer, when swimsuit season is in full swing, I prefer to lose about another 5 pounds on top of that. Vanity weight, as Jillian Michaels calls it.

Workouts last week were great! I was on vacation from work, but not traveling. So I made sure I got in at least 60-75 minutes of activity (most days I'm happy with 45-60). I also bought myself some new sneakers. Sketchers Shape-Ups Resistance Trainers.  I have a pair of their Shape-Ups for walking and they are super comfortable (even if they don't really tone much) so that's why I went with the other pair of Sketchers.  I don't know if it's the kind of workouts I was doing last week, but I definitely felt the toning effect of those sneakers! My legs were killing me! And the shape of them made me much more conscious of my form when doing my lower body exercises (which may also account for the difference I felt in my workout).  So I got in four straight days of activity; Monday through Thursday.

Last week's food choices were pretty awesome too.  I tracked everything I ate, every single day.  Even my weekend splurges.  At the end of the week, I had a big, red, negative number 16 in my tracker - BUT I tracked everything! And, as the scale showed, it didn't really put a dent in my efforts.

I think tracking makes a big difference in my success.  I've noticed over the years that when I track my food, I tend to make better food choices...

Most of the time ;o)

But I did make good choices in general.  Until the weekend...

Which brings me to my weekend confessional:

Bless me Jean Nidetch, for I have sinned!

Friday: Dinner - not too bad.  I had a grilled chicken sandwich with no cheese and a side salad with only balsamic vinegar instead of french fries.  Dessert - Bad! The French Roast, 6th Ave & 11th St. has this dessert called Warm Chocolate Cake. And - oh yeah - it's served a la mode! I went with the coconut ice cream =D It was freakin delicious and it's not something I indulge in very often. And you can add a cappuccino to that total (I forgot to ask for fat free milk too. Yeah...)

Saturday: Concert! Lady Gaga at the Colosseum! Dinner - not very good.  I ended up running late getting ready (liquid eyeliner is not my forte) and so I went through the drive through.  Normally I get a kids meal, but I was famished (which was my first mistake, letting myself get so hungry) and I got two cheeseburgers and a medium fries.  Then, on the way home (well after midnight) I decided to stop at 7-11 for some coffee.  Rather than get the fat free french vanilla creamer, I spotted a new flavor - Cinnabon! OMG it was so good! Oh, and I was starving again, so add blueberry muffin to the points total.  Ouch...

Sunday: Back on track as far as food choices.

Oh, and as far as exercise this weekend? There was none...

I wonder what Jean Nidetch would offer as penance... Recite the Good Health Guidelines three times each? LOL

Goals for this week coming up:

  • Continue tracking - no matter how crazy the food choices become - including the BLT's
  • Make sure I get in at least 5 days of activity (last week was only 4)
  • Stay away from sugar as much as possible (which I already had one snack cake last night with dessert, but today is a new day!)
Tonight is my meeting so tomorrow I'll be back to discuss this week's topic. See you then!

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