Sunday, March 9, 2008

Stupid Knee!


I woke up this morning and I couldn't bend my knee again! This friggin sucks! How am I supposed to work out! I was doing so well too! I had put in three days this week - Wednesday was Total Muscle Shaping from BSS 3, Thursday was Tight Buns and Killer Legs from BSS 5, and Friday was Fat Blasting Caridio from BSS 3 along w/ Ab Sculpt from BSS 1. All this with no problems at all. All day yesterday I felt fine and then - bam - this morning I wake up and I can't bend my knee w/o pain.

Sigh. I currently have it wrapped w/ an ace bandage so I can't bend it too far. I have to hobble up and down the stairs like a toddler (one step at a time). This friggin sucks!!! Did I say that already? Well, it bears repeating, cause it totally sucks.

I am so annoyed.

At any rate, my food has been on track this week. Puddin pop wants oven fried chicken for dinner w/ oven fries. But they have to be baked at different temps, so I was thinking of making like potato chowder (I noticed a recipe on the WW home page today) because it is a little chilly out today.

I wish spring would get here already. I know it's coming. The trees are budding and the blue jays are back, but the temps. are still in the 40's this week. I can't wait - I always used to say that the true first day of spring was the first day you could roll down all the windows and crank the stereo. But this year, it will be the first day I can put the top down. Even if I have to be wearing a heavy jacket, turn on the heated seats, and crank the heater full blast! Ah, good times, good times...

So that's it for now. I had to vent about my stupid knee. But for now I have to get in the shower and then I have to go food shopping and then I have to go to the pharmacy to find out why the hell my scrip can't be refilled over the phone. Ugh. Hopefully after a few days of rest and keeping my knee wrapped, I'll be able to get back to working out. This week is busy so I don't know how much I'll be able to check in, but I'll definatley check in after weigh in on Tuesday. Bye for now!

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