Tuesday, January 22, 2008

You can't win them all

This week I had a very small loss. Just a half pound.

But, on the bright side it was a loss. It could've been worse - It could've been a gain.

And so this week is a new week and I try again.

Today is a rest day, but I've got Thursday, Friday and Saturday on the calendar. Thursday is the Cardio/Sculpt from BSS 3 (I forget the name), Friday is the Cardio from BSS 2 (you'd think I'd know these names by now) and Saturday is Jiggle Free Arms and Buns from BSS 4.

And, to boot, I've used up all my points - not just for today, but my flex for the week as well - plus one. Well, today started out well enough. I had Fiber One Honey Clusters for breakfast, with skim milk and my ususal coffee. Then, mid-morning I had a Kashi granola bar. Still on track, right? Then comes lunch. I was out of my ususal building today and so I just ran to 7-11. I grabbed a sandwich, and some veggies and hommus. And I broke the cardinal flex plan rule - I ate first and looked up points later. 8 points for the sandwich, 4 for the hommus. 12 points total. And that was it. 6 for breakfast, 2 for my snack and 12 for lunch. Boom - out of points for the day.

Thanks goodness for my flex points right? Oh, but I ate out a lot this week and used a lot of flex points and so I only have 5 left. No worries - I got a recipe out of WW Magazine for Tehbouli (I so know that I spelled that wrong!) for 5 points. Yay! But then I was really hungry on the way home (I got home pretty late) before I make dinner, and I had a one point bar in the car. So that's why I'm over a point.


This is probably why I only lost like a half pound this week.

Anyway, I gotta go wrap up the rest of my tehbouli for lunch this week. I hope this week is better.

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