Monday, July 23, 2007


Welcome to my blog about maintaining weight loss. Let me tell you a bit about myself. Seven years ago, I was getting dressed and I realized (with dispair) that my "fat" jeans would not button up. That night after work, I walked into Weight Watchers.

That was Janurary. By Memorial Day I had lost 33 lbs. and I had reached my goal weight. Six week later I became a lifetime member.

That part I remember pretty clearly. The next seven years have been a bit blurry, but the gist of it is about every other year I would go back to Weight Watchers having gained 10, 15, or sometimes even 20 lbs. back. And every time I would lose it (or most of it) and then stop going to the meetings. And every time I stopped, I would go back.

Last year, in Spring '06, one of my friends decided to join and was looking for company. I was about 10 lbs. over my goal weight at that point, so I was ready to start going back to meetings again. By the time summer came around, I was back to my goal weight once again.

Around the same time, I was having some serious back pain. Muscle spasms that would come out of nowhere that left me basically unable to really do much other than lie flat on my back. Several of the different doctors I visited (general doctors, neuroligists, chiropractors) all said the same thing, "You need to exercise and include strength training to strengthen the muscles in your back."

And that's when I found The FIRM. I was looking for something that was easy and convenient. I didn't want to join a gym, I wanted to work out at home. I needed something that would include strength training, but I didn't know diddly about working with weights so it needed to be easy to follow. And I wanted a program that included everything - weights and cardio.

The FIRM had it. Cario and Sculpting all in one easy to follow system. So I started working out 3 days per week with The FIRM and I continued to follow the Weight Watchers program for weight maintenence. And by adding the excercise, I was able to lose an additional 10 lbs.

So that brings me to where I am today. I continue to FIRM, but I have added soooo many DVD's to the collection, I never do the same workout twice in a month! And I continue to follow Weight Watchers (Flex) for maintainence. And yes, I go to meetings weekly, no matter what.

The purpose of this blog is simply for me to have a place where I can record what I do regarding my diet and excercise. Like a journal to record what I'm doing that day. Not like the food journal that you do for the Weight Watchers Flex program, but more like how I'm feeling and how I'm doing kind of thing.

So that's that! I am going to attempt to post at least weekly, if not more often, and hopefully this will be another tool to help keep me on track. I'm not great at the whole blogging thing, but maybe I'll also try to get some before and after shots up as well. Feel free to post comments!

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