Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Monday Weigh-In/Weekend Confession: 4-day Weekend Edition

L'shanah tovah if you celebrated this past weekend!

While I am not of Jewish faith, I can't say I'm not thankful for the four day weekend!

We had Monday and Tuesday off and that's why my "Monday" weigh-in is coming to you on a Wednesday.

And speaking of weekends, we had a great one! I'll give you the details later in my weekend confession (it's not so bad considering it was a long one!)

So let's get to the weigh-in!

Last week: 124.6 (Monday)
This week: 122.2 (Today, Wednesday)
Difference: - 2.4
Maintenance: Success!

Ok, better than success - I lost 2 1/2 pounds!

A few weeks ago I was having a rough time - not really eating the foods I should, making excuses not to exercise, and generally not really focused on the program. Two weeks ago I was at 125.2. 

Last week was rough as well, so I'm not entirely sure what led to the success. 

But really for me, on maintenance, anywhere from 121 to 125 seems pretty normal for my body. So I'm right where I need to be and I'm not complaining!

I did great at the beginning of the week. Tracking well, and staying in my points (mostly) but then the long weekend came and that's when things went a little wacky...

Monday I ate 55 SP - including a Pumpkin Spice Latte and a Pumpkin Sugar Cookie from Starbucks. Not the best start to the week, but it did improve from there... Also, got my workout in! No excuses, right?

Tuesday I ate 37 SP which is my Daily Target + 1. Not bad! Blue-dot worthy! And, did my workout again!

Wednesday I ate 40 SP - Daily Target plus 4 - another blue dot day! And another workout day!

Thursday I ate only 34 SP - two less than my Daily Target, so another blue dot day! But no workout - we had to take the little one to gymnastics, and then we had to go right after to a town meeting to raise a raucous about a proposed zoning change in our neighborhood, so there was literally no time. Some days, it happens...

And then we come to the weekend...

Bless Me Jean Nidetch for I have gone off program!

Well, not entirely. Friday I tracked everything and ate 47 SP - no blue dot for me today, but still within my points (meaning I still hadn't gone into the negatives). No workout today either. I decided to use my time to clean up my house - still active, but not active, active, you know? But it needed to be done and I felt good about it.

Saturday I was still tracking - 50 SP but this was due in part to the fact that it was my birthday! And I had a 12 SP cupcake! Deserved it! Oh, and we were out literally all day from early morning until dinner. So no workout today either. 

Sunday we went pumpkin picking and then to a vineyard. I had bread, pate, wine, roasted corn, and one fresh Peconic oyster (yum!) I tracked breakfast... And then nothing else. I thought about trying but the pate didn't have nutrition info. It was chicken and pork. I tried to look it up in the tracker but wasn't really sure what to count it as. Then I said to hell with it - I'm still celebrating my birthday! And yeah...
Oh, and still no workout, again being out all day. And then being slightly intoxicated for the better part of the afternoon/evening is not a good time to start lifting 15 lb dumbbells.

Monday I was back at the tracking game and I ate 49 SP. I was honest and counted all my BLTs (which included bites of pizza, ice cream and peanut butter). So a #nsv, but still a lot of points... And still no workout. I was nauseated Sunday night and even though my food was staying down Monday I was just not feeling up to anything (an no, it wasn't because I was drunk - two glasses of wine is hardly enough to make me feel sick).

Tuesday hubby and I took advantage of daycare and brought our daughter in, which mean lunch date for us! We went to an Indian buffet that we love. The food is so good. I did good I think... I only took a small portion of everything. But it was definitely a lot, and I was definitely feeling stuffed. But I had no idea how to track most of that stuff so that meal went untracked. I did track breakfast, and I did track dinner later... Just no idea how many points total for the day. But, I FINALLY got a workout in! Whew, that felt good!

And with all that - I'm still right where I need to be.

I think that's what makes me successful on weight watchers. Some people out there will say that I'm not really following it, and they're right. But for me, on maintenance, I've learned to find the balance of how much time I can follow WW, and how much time I can say "what the heck" and still maintain a weight that makes me happy. It doesn't have to be all or nothing. Life happens in the gray, and you can make maintenance happen there too.

Have a great (short) week everybody!

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