Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Monday Weigh-In/Weekend Confession: Playdate Edition


Hope everyone had a great weekend and that nobody had a case of the Monday's today


So let's get to this...

Last week: 123.5
This week: 125.2
Difference: + 1.7
Maintenance: Fail.


I didn't gain this much after a 10 day vacation that included a 4 night cruise!

But, rather than call myself a failure, let's reflect and think about what went wrong last week. Then, we can think about a strategy to fix it this week.

Well, the number on the scale is a reflection of two things: diet and exercise.

So let's consider each in turn.

Exercise - skipped two of my six days last week. Why? I was legit exhausted one day. And I'm super clumsy on a good day, let alone lifting 15 pound weights when I'm way over tired. So I skipped a day. The other day was more of an excuse - I had forgotten to move my workout clothes to the drier in the morning before work. So I couldn't workout because I had nothing to wear! Except that the clothes were done drying and folded and put away by 7 PM, so I did technically have time to workout and take my own shower before my daughter had to get ready for bed. But I used the late hour as my excuse to skip a work out. This week - no excuses!

Diet - this one is a doozy. Let me share with you some of the indulgences I had this week:
Monday: small apple hand pie and 1 scoop of ice cream - 9 SP
Tuesday: pumpkin spice latter and a pumpkin cheesecake bar from Starbucks - 27 SP
Thursday: hot chocolate w/ marshmallows and a chocolate chip cookie - 14 SP
Friday: caramel macchiato (not the skinny kind)  - 12 SP
Saturday: Play date time! We had one of my best friends over for dinner (our little girls are BFFs) and we made tacos and margaritas - I didn't even bother tracking!
Sunday: Play date #2! We had a friend and her son over for lunch so we just ordered out. I ate 2 very large NY sized slices of pizza for lunch - again, didn't even bother tracking! And because I wasn't tracking anyway I had TWO (yes, two) large home made chocolate chip cookies! Oy!

It also didn't help that I skipped my meeting last Friday (Hey, I had to wait in line for my new iPhone 7!) and when that happens I tend to get a little too "Ah, what the hell!" with my food choices.

So it's no wonder I gained nearly two pounds!

This week I am going to refocus. NO skipping workouts, and YES to tracking EVERYTHING!

Lifetime is like roller coaster - some weeks you're up, some weeks you're down. What matters is not jumping totally off the track. Or, if you do, don't stay off track forever, wandering the fair grounds, and eating all the funnel cake in sight.

Have a great week everyone!

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