Monday, September 12, 2016

Monday Weigh-In/Weekend Confession: Back to School Edition

Welcome back! Yes, as a teacher I returned to work full time last week! And now that I'm back I'm hoping to be in more of a routine and therefore able to return to blogging a bit more! Yay!

So let's get to my stats:

Last week: 123.7
This week: 123.4
Difference: - 0.3
Maintenance: Success!

And I have to admit - this was a big shocker! Last week was a rough week. Monday was Labor Day but I did great with all the events I had going on for the holiday weekend. I tracked, I made good choices, it was all good.

Tuesday, the alarm clock rings. First day of school! Let's do this! And it went very well. So far my classes are good and the kids seem pretty good too. Here's hoping it stays that way!

Wednesday - the damn alarm clock rings. I don't know about you but when I shift schedules and I have to start getting up early for something the first day is always fine, but the second day that early alarm clock kicks my ass and I am freaking exhausted. And I was. Dragging all day. Even with two (yeah, two!) triple shot espresso latte's from Starbucks that day. I got home and fell asleep while I was playing on the floor with my daughter. Needless to say, I skipped my workout that day :(

Thursday was more of the same exhaustion. I came home and took a nap (thankfully my husband's work calendar was free to pick up our little one from daycare). Skipped a workout. And ate a ton. Pumpkin spice latte, pumpkin sugar cookie, and a Samoa Donut from Erin McKenna's bakery in NYC.

*If you don't know Erin McKenna's Bakery they specialize in gluten-free, vegan baking. You'd never know it to eat it. It's so good!*

Friday was better. I made myself go to bed earlier. And I tracked and made good choices all day.

But then the weekend comes!

Bless me Jean Nidetch for I have gone off program!

Saturday night we went to a friends house for a tequilla tasting party. Yep! Tequilla! And of course because I was drinking I was snacking. Cheese, crackers, chips, salsa, and these super yummy pretzel rolls..... oh so good! And none of it tracked.

Sunday we went apple picking! Roasted corn, wine tasting... yeah it wasn't pretty... And if you follow me on connect you'll see my gorgeous daughter making hand pies with all of our apples. Fortunately there's no temptation there for me. I don't like apple pie. Apples? yes. Pie? No.

So like I said, I am pleasantly surprised by the number on the scale.

This week I'd like to make it a goal to stick to my workouts and track, track, track.

If I have a take away from last week though it's this: Listen to your body. When you're tired, get some rest. It does you no good to stagger through the day in a blur of exhaustion. And even though those two days were rough for me when it came to food and exercise, I'm glad I got the rest I needed. It helped me feel better and it helped me to refocus on taking care of myself.

Hope everyone has a great week!

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