Monday, May 9, 2016

Monday Weigh-In/Weekend Confession: Mother's Day Edition

Good Morning!

Last week: 128.9
This week: 129.7
Difference: + 0.8
Maintenance: Success!

I hope everyone had a nice mother's day yesterday! Whether you celebrated with your own kids, your own mom, your aunts, grandmother, mother-in-law, step-mother, fur baby, etc. I hope you had a great day and didn't worry too much if you went off program! Some days you just gotta live your life and then get back to being a weight watcher the next day :)

I don't have much of a weekend confession this week - I tracked everything and stayed within my points all week. Even my splurges weren't much of a splurge.

I'm sorry that this post is short and boring - I'm in kind of a Monday funk and I'm not much up to writing today.

The only confession I have this week is for activity - I gave myself a bunch of excuses and ended up working out only three days last week. Ugh.

So my goal this week is to be consistent with my activity and go back to my usual schedule. I've just wrapped up 30 days of FIRM Express and I'll be posting a quick review on my Friday Fitness this week.

Other than that, I've got nothing. I'll see you Wednesday for the weekly meeting topic discussion.

Peace and hair grease!

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