Monday, May 16, 2016

Monday Weigh-In/Weekend Confession: 80's Edition

Good morning to all!

Here are this weeks stats:

Last week: 129.7
This week: 131.9
Difference: + 2.2
Maintenance: Fail :-(

Okay, this week obviously didn't go very well. So rather than be depressed (which I admittedly was for a bit this morning - I spent a few minutes moping around after I stepped on and off the scale a few times just to be sure), I'm going to reflect back on my week and think about why I wasn't successful this time around.

First of all - I've had weeks like this before. It happens. Whether you're losing or lifetime, it happens. That's why I know how to manage it and take action before it gets out of hand. Forgive but don't forget. Reflect, and do better.

So the first thing I did this morning was change my settings from maintenance back to losing. And I changed my swapping settings back to swapping my weekly points first. I'm going to try cutting back a bit this week and making sure I'm not eating back my activity so I can get a bigger calorie deficit.

Now to reflect on what went well and what went wrong this week.

Things that went well:

  • I exercised 5 out of 7 days this week.
  • I tracked 5.5 days out of 7 this week.
  • I cooked dinner 5 out of 7 days this week.
  • I packed lunch 7 out of 7 days this week.
  • I made breakfast at home 7 out of 7 days this week.
  • I didn't track at all on Wednesday. It started at the faculty breakfast and went on from there (more on that when I make my confessions).
  • I made excuses not to work out on Wednesday as well.
  • I allowed myself a cheat meal on Sunday before weigh-in (again, more on that later)
  • I stopped using some of the good strategies that I know - like tracking - even if only for a short bit.
I think it’s important to have a good hard failure when you're young. I learned a lot out of that. Because it makes you kind of aware of what can happen to you."

Things that could've been better:

I like to put the positive things first - it's a good way to remind yourself of the good things and makes it easier to forgive yourself when you have a bad week.

But the negatives are still there - which leads me to my weekend confession:

Bless Me Jean Nidetch for I have gone off program!

So Wednesday - it all started at the faculty breakfast. I woke up that morning with a plan - I ate breakfast at home, I brought my own coffee... And then I got there and my brain said "Weight Watchers whaaaat?" And I ended up eating breakfast again. But I wrote everything down with the intention to track it all later. And then because there were a lot of things to track I kept saying, "later, later, later". And because I wasn't tracking anyway I ended up getting a caramel frappuccino AND a cookie from Starbucks, and then later I went all seagull on my daughters leftover pizza. Wednesday was a bad day as a Weight Watcher. I was also super tired Wednesday. I convinced myself that I was too tired to work out. I took a nap instead. Even though my planned rest day was Saturday because I knew we would be out all day (which we were) and I wouldn't have time to fit it in. So I ended up with two rest days this week.

But - on the positive - I woke up and started tracking again and reigning myself in. And the rest of the week up till Sunday night was fine. I tracked, did my best to stay in points, and the scale was playing nice.

Then last night was date night with the hubby. We had tickets to see - get this! - Ferris Bueller's Day Off! It was a 30th anniversary release put out by TCM. (Now you know where the "80's Edition" of the title comes from!). Since we had a baby sitter we also decided to have some dinner out. We tried this new place by us (well, the restaurant has actually been there quite a while, but we'd never tried it so it was new to us!) and the food was pretty good, and the micro-brews were better. One cheeseburger, one huge side of fries, one beer, one chocolate cream pie martini and one fried banana cheesecake later, and I was beyond full. Oh, and did I mention they give you warm, soft pretzels instead of bread for the table? OMG didn't even want to think about the points. So I counted that as a "cheat meal" and moved on with it.

Now, that was a pretty salty meal - so I may not actually be up as much as 2 pounds - but I think it's safe to say that I'm still up. And since I was up last week too, that, to me, is a maintenance fail.

But it's ok. As Walt Disney once said "I think it’s important to have a good hard failure ... I learned a lot out of that. Because it makes you kind of aware of what can happen to you."

So my take away from the last week is this: Screwing up is as much a part of Weight Watchers as losing weight is. And the screw ups don't stop once you reach lifetime. Being a Weight Watcher just teaches you to manage them better.

Have a great week everyone! I'll be back Wednesday to discuss this week's meeting topic: Eating Slowly and Mindfully.

***Also, I'm sorry about missing last week's Friday Fitness post - I am overwhelmed at work these days and I just didn't have a minute to spare. I'll try to finish that same post for next Friday!***

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