Monday, April 4, 2016

Monday Weigh-In/Weekend Confession: Old Habits Die Hard Edition

Last Week: 132.1
This week: 132.5
Difference: + 0.4
Maintenance: Success!

So it was a pretty good week :)

I had a change of routine/schedule and ended up eating out a little more than usual but I was able to keep things in check. I was able to get a run day with one of my best friends, and keep up with my new workouts (The FIRM Zip Trainer!) on schedule. Well, except Friday. Thursday I wore my last set of workout clothes. I had intended to put them in the wash Thursday night after I got my daughter to bed. But I fell asleep shortly thereafter and nothing got done Thursday night! So I took Friday as a rest day and got my laundry done lol.

The beginning of the week went pretty well. The weekend... well... not as much.

Bless me Jean Nidetch for I have gone off program!

It all started Friday afternoon. First up - I forgot to go to my meeting! I totally wasn't thinking about the fact that it's Friday and I was just like, ok I'll finish up some work here, go get my daughter from daycare and stop at Starbucks on the way! Didn't even think about my meeting until Saturday when I was like, "Oh! I forgot to go yesterday!" Oh well. So then at Starbucks my inner conversation goes like this: "Hey, it's been a long week. I've had a change in routine that was getting me up earlier than I was used to and going to bed later than I'm used to so I am tired. And I want a cookie. Bad. Ok, not a big deal. I have some weekly points I can use and I have tons of FitPoints. So cookie it is! One butterfly cookie please!" Nom, nom, nom, 14 points - but it fit into my plan and so I didn't feel guilty. Sure I was officially out of weekly points and had used up a couple of FitPoints too. But at this point I was not off program. At least, not yet...

Saturday comes around and it started off ok. Breakfast as usual. Then we took our daughter to the local bounce house and I had a cup of coffee there. Used a touch of half and half for 2 points but it wasn't very good coffee and it needed three sugar packets. So there's another 3 points for a total of 5 points for a stinking cup of coffee.  My usual Starbucks latte isn't even 5 points. And it's bigger and it tastes better. And I guess I could've saved the points by using one of those blue, or pink, or yellow packets but I don't really care for the taste of artificial sweetener and I'm honestly not positive that stuff won't kill you or give you diseases so I do try to avoid it if I can.  Saturday lunch and dinner were fine because we ate at home but then after dinner we went out for Frozen Yogurt. Still kept it in check - small serving and no toppings. And at the end of the day I was still ok with points. I used about 9 more FitPoints and I was still in the black.

Sunday also started off ok. Breakfast as usual. Then I went food shopping. Hungry. I know, I know, bad idea! Well I knew we were eating out later for dinner at the Greek restaurant and I was saving my points for dinner! So I had a really small snack for "lunch". Which did not keep me feeling full at Costco or the supermarket. Costco wasn't bad - I sampled a slice of deli ham and stayed clear of everyone else. I figured one point for the ham. Then at the supermarket, I found myself hungry and that's when it happened. I fell back into an old habit. Back when I weighed 30 pounds more than I do now, I would eat pop tarts while I shopped. I'd grab a box, open it up and snack. Then pay for the empty box at the end of my shopping trip. And where did I find myself during my trip? The pop tart aisle. And what did I put in my cart? Yep, pop tarts. And what did I eat while I finished shopping? Four, yes you read that right - four, peanut butter pop tarts. For a total of 33 freaking points!! At least I guess I had the common sense to stop and say to myself "What are you doing?" before I finished the whole box.

And then there was the Greek food. Which I had actually planned for originally and so I just ordered what I had planned on ordering and that felt good. Greek salad, dressing on the side 6 sp, and a falafel in a pita with tahini sauce on the side 18 sp. Which I know is a lot, but I had planned on saving most of my daily points and using a few FitPoints for it. That was before my Pop Tart incident.

ok, Sunday's grand total - are you ready? 91 points. Woah.

BUT - at the end of the week I was still in the black! I did not go above my weekly and FitPoints  combined and it showed on the scale with a very small gain (which in lifetime-land isn't really a gain at all).

I think I was lucky though. If I were to have any big take away from this week it would be that old habits die hard. Just because you make goal, and make lifetime, doesn't mean that the fat girl (or fat guy) you once were isn't still lurking the back of your brain. Just because you've built up a whole bunch of new healthy habits doesn't mean the old unhealthy habits just go away. You gotta watch out for them. Know what triggers them and try to head them off. Because if you don't you just might find yourself scarfing down 33 points worth of pop tarts in one trip to the supermarket.

Incidentally I hid the other pop tarts I didn't finish in my car. That's like a really weird food psychology thing right? Hiding food? I guess I was too embarrassed to bring them into the house and admit I'd eaten 2/3 of the box. That's not being a good, healthy, role model mom, so I better hide them right? Weird psychology stuff there. If I ever decide I need a shrink I'll bring that up I guess lol.

Oh, but guess where they ended up this morning? I wish I could tell you the trash. But no, my old bad habit brain saw them in the car and said "Well, if you eat them, then they won't be there tempting you anymore." Ugh. 17 point snack. More than half my weekly points. Gone already. And not a good week for it too. I have hubby's birthday this week so we have a high points dinner planned for tonight (bread, butter, wine, cheese, yum) and then Saturday is Hamptons Night (which you'll hear all about in next weeks confession lol). But I decided a long time ago that I'm not tracking anything next Saturday night. I'll track all day before we go out, and I'll start tracking again right away on Sunday. But Saturday is about friends and having fun. And just living life for a few hours without worrying about all these food issues and hang ups. Really didn't need to eat the extra 17 pop tart points today. But that's ok. I'm tracking it and living with that choice and I'm moving on with the rest of my day and week.

So that's all I have to confess this week. Have a great week everyone! I'll be back Wednesday with my meeting topic post.

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