Monday, April 18, 2016

Monday Weigh-In Weekend Confession: Family Time Edition

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Last week: 131.3
This week: 130.6
Difference: -0.7
Maintenance: Success!

Wow! 130! And you guys, this may be inflated because I had Chinese for dinner last night! Could I be back in the 120's again? Only time will tell...

If you recall, in a previous post I talked about how I was discouraged with my plateau. Before having my beautiful daughter four years ago, I was weighing-in down in the low to mid 120's. And after having a baby, I was having a hard time getting back to that number. And it was only recently (maybe three weeks ago) that I kind of got my head around that fact that the 120's may be a dream. That number was a number I maintained when I was in my 20's and 30's, and before my body had carried a child and given birth. And maybe it just wasn't realistic to get back to that number anymore. After having spent over two months stuck at 132, maybe that's just where my body wanted to be. So I changed my WW goal weight to be pretty much where I was maintaining (with a few pound of wiggle room) so that I wouldn't have to pay anymore and also to help me with the mindset that maybe the 120's are not for me anymore. But, to see the scale inching back there is very encouraging. I won't get my hopes up just yet though. I'll see what next week brings.

This week coming up is super busy. More than anything I'm worried about getting my exercise in. I may have to be a part of the #6PMClub because my afternoons are just booked solid this week. Food wise, I'm set. I did all my shopping and meal planning for the week over the weekend. And, I think I have also found a solution to my breakfast on-the-go issue. A few days a week I am usually on day care drop off duty (hubby gets the other days) and on those days the morning is just so rushed I usually end up stopping at Starbucks for a latte and a bagel. The latte isn't too bad - I can squeeze that into my points budget no problem. But the bagel - 8 SP and the cream cheese 3 SP. It's a lot for breakfast! So this morning I tried one of the breakfast bars they sell in the meeting room - 5 SP and tasty. I had that with a banana, fresh berries, and a coffee from the keurig machine at work and it was very satisfying. Got me through until my usual 10 AM snack no problem. So I'm pretty excited about that. I'd much rather have a 5 SP breakfast than an 11 SP breakfast.

And as for my weekend confession? I have none this week! Totally stayed on program! Saturday it was just me and my daughter for most of the day. Because I knew Sunday was the only day we could all spend family time together, I spent most of the day Saturday getting chores done: laundry, food shopping, meal prep, etc. I was too busy to indulge! And because I was just at the supermarket I was able to make a healthy dinner and not worry about eating out. Sunday was family day so we spend the day at the local farm and playground. It's very nice. They have tons of animals, and inflatable bouncers for the kids. My daughter loves bouncers so that's pretty much all we did all day. But rather than plan on eating at the animal farm (nothing but hot dogs and fried chicken tenders) we packed lunch for everyone and enjoyed a picnic there. So totally stayed in my points Sunday too! Sunday night we had Chinese for dinner but that was no problem at all because I'd managed my breakfast and lunch so well.

Sunday night came around and I had FitPoints to spare from the week so I had THREE (yes 3!) Girl Scouts TagALong cookies, and a cup of hot cocoa with marshmallows and fat free whipped cream! Totally yum and totally worth it! And because I swap my FitPoints first, I didn't even touch my weekly points this week. Hooray!

Overall it was a great week and a great weekend! I'm ready for this week as best as I can be! And if you're reading this and following me on WW Connect, can you please tag me in a post later and make sure I'm working out? Because honestly I can see myself being tired and making excuses. But if someone tags me I'll feel obligated to check in with a workout. Thanks!

Hope you all have a wonderful week! I'll be back on Wednesday to talk about the weekly meeting topic: get glowing!

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