Monday, March 28, 2016

Monday Weigh-In/Weekend Confession: Easter Edition

Happy Monday everyone! I hope you had a wonderful Easter Holiday (if you celebrate) with your family. Let's get to this!

Last week: 133.5
This week: 132.1
Weight change: -1.4
Maintenance: Success!

So as I mentioned in my very late Friday Fitness post (which I posted just a few short minutes ago on Monday!) it was a very busy weekend! Monday-Thursday were business as usual - wake up, go to work, come home, workout, dinner, play with daughter, go to bed. Repeat. But from Friday through today I've been off from work (yay 4 day weekend!) so it's been packed with stuff to do.

Friday I actually took my daughter to daycare and had a very rare brunch date with my husband. Then we went to see a movie (ok, so we saw Zootopia. My daughter has zero interest in this movie and we are both grown-up Disney nuts!). Saturday we went food shopping and then off to the mall (they have a great indoor playground which is nice because it's still a little cool to be playing outside for very long). Sunday it was Easter! We spent the morning looking for the treats left by the bunny (and then trying to convince my daughter that, no, you cannot eat an entire solid chocolate rabbit for breakfast), and then dinner at my mother-in-law's. Just always something to do this weekend.

Which bring me to my weekend confession:

Bless me Jean Nidetch for I have gone off program!

So, without forward thinking I decided to splurge some of my weekly points on some treats: a cookie here, a Cadbury Creme egg there... Not really thinking about Sunday being Easter, or Friday being our brunch date... So I used up some valuable points with some smaller indulgences during the week.

And then Friday - brunch date. There's a local place with cow decorations everywhere that is famous for breakfast. So that's where we went. Now, I know what you're thinking: Breakfast is easy! Egg white omelet! Plenty of low points choices! True... On the way to brunch I will repeat to myself "Order something healthy, order something healthy, order something healthy..." And then I get there, see the specials board. Then, before I know it my hearing goes fuzzy, my vision goes blurry, I black out for a few minutes, and the next thing I know I'm eating some giant stack of chocolate-something-or-other pancakes with a side of bacon.  Well, this time it was cannoli stuffed french toast. With a side of bacon. And a large orange juice. And syrup... I estimated somewhere around 67 points.

Saturday was better. We ate at the mall but I got sushi. A favorite low-point meal.

Then Sunday was Easter. So, yes, I did indulge in some candy - just the half of things my daughter didn't want to finish. She has better self-control than I do and I hope she never grows out of it. She can honestly take two bites of a Reese's easter bunny and say "Mommy I'm all done." I wish I had that power. That's why I always say "Ok, throw the rest out".  Unless it vegetables. Then I'm always like "Just take two more bites!"

Dinner at mother-in-law's was ok. Ate a little bit of everything and tried to keep it all in moderation - lamb, potatoes (cooked in oil), asparagus (cooked in oil), lasagna (with meat sauce), mint-chocolate cake (tiny sliver), and chocolate creme pie (tiny sliver). I estimated about 45 points.

At the end of the week I used all my weekly points, all my fit points, and ended up at -20. If I hadn't had that cookie and cadbury egg earlier in the week, I'd have been in the black! But alas, it it what it is.

AND I was still able to maintain my weight this week! That's what Weight Watchers is all about. Learning how to live life, one day at a time, one meal at a time, make the best choices we can make in that moment, and move on. I eat 21 meals last week. Two of them were really bad. The rest were great. And I gotta be proud of the 19 good ones. And the 2 bad ones! Because I had a great time with my husband on our date and with my family on Easter. The key to maintaining is balance. And I had that this week. Now, onto the next week. 21 more opportunities to make good choices! Bring it!

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