Monday, June 6, 2011

Monday Weigh In/Weekend Confessional: Celebrations Edition

Last Week: 126.6
This Week: 127
Difference: + 0.4
Maintenance: I'm calling this one a fail.

Okay, I know, my weight is only 1 lb. over where I like to be (126), but two gains two weeks in a row for a total of 1.2 does not make me happy.

Also - I was a complete and utter tracker slacker this week. I think I tracked Monday's breakfast and half of lunch. And that was it. So my non-tracking also makes me say this past week was a fail.

And finally, I still haven't gotten back into a workout schedule (my right knee feels better but my left knee is still hurting) and I haven't really tried to get in any other alternate activities to make up for it. And that has contributed to my feeling of failing as well.

They have a saying at Weight Watchers - feedback not failure.

So what feedback have I gotten from this past week?  Well, let's start with the tracking. I have to do it. When I don't I let my choices go all willy-nilly and I start eating whatever whenever as if there are no consequences. Clearly my scale knows otherwise. But I slipped up on that one this past week. Major.

This weeks goal - TRACK! 7 DAYS!

As for the exercise, I'm not going to rush back into it. I know that if I do I'll just hurt myself more. Then I won't be able to work out for even longer and I'll get even more depressed about it. But that doesn't mean I have to be so sedentary.  Last week I walked an average of 7400 steps per day. I know I can do better than that! I am only burning 962 calories per day from being active - that's not really all that much and I know I ate way more than that most days last week (which explains the scale).

This weeks goal: 1000 calories per day from activity. Looks like I'll have to find a way to do it without the usual FIRM craziness. But I can and I will do it.

OK let's move on to the weekend confession.  As I said it was a weekend of celebrations so let's start with Saturday night! Saturday night was a retirement party for one of my colleagues.  It was a catered event with an open bar so needless to say there were many liquid calories consumed as well as the food! I did pretty good with the cocktail hour - only three hors d'oeuvres.  Dinner was a choice of stuffed shrimp, chicken francaise or  sirloin.  I went with the sirloin (it was the only thing that wasn't fried) but it was very chewy and I couldn't really eat much of it. It was cooked right, but sliced very wrong.  Then there was dancing! I danced a LOT! Saturday was actually my best day activity wise - I burned 1300 calories from activity. And so even though it was a high calorie night when I stepped on the scale Sunday morning it was no different than Saturday morning (Winning!). Unfortunately it had crept up all week long so I was still weighing in more than I had at the beginning of the week (Losing!).

Sunday was my Mother-In-Law's birthday so we took her out to dinner at one of my favorite Summer restaurants - Oakland's! The view there is absolutely stunning! It's right on the Shinnecock inlet and the sunset was fabulous. I had a couple of drinks, a strange but really delicious appetizer (shrimp and waffles!), scallops served over a fried risotto pancake (it was really fried too - not just lightly fried), and of course I had dessert! Creme brulee!  And if that wasn't enough Hubby's dessert was better than mine (Banana tart with a chocolate crust!) so I ate some of his dessert too!

So the weekend combined with a bad week put me 1 pound over where I like to be and no where near my preferred summertime weight. (Vanity weight, bikini weight, whatever you want to call it).

Feedback, not failure.

My last goal: To have a great week no matter what! Till Wednesday...

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