So usually I post on Mon, Wed, & Fri but I had to talk about this one!
Fitness Magazine, June 2011: The 10 Commandments of Dieting.
**I got a free subscription to Fitness when I bought a FIRM dvd from Target - that's the only reason I read this magazine. It's not really good. I'd rather read other things.**
I will now go through each of their "commandments" and talk about why most of them are dumb.
#1 "Thou shalt eat only when hungry."
Why it's dumb: If this were that easy to do, then I wouldn't need to be on a diet, would I????? DUH!!! Yeah, we all know that we should only eat when we're hungry. We all know that we are emotional eaters, or boredom grazers. But truthfully the only way to stop those behaviors is to get to the root of why we're doing them. If it were as simple as putting the fork down, I wouldn't need to read this article. Eat only when hungry - geez :P
#2 "Thou shalt eat a healthy breakfast."
Okay, I can't argue with this one. This one is good.
#3 "Thou shalt eat only foods with ingredients thou can easily pronounce."
Why it's (sort of) dumb: I can easily pronounce "butter", "cheese", "white flour"... All things that are not so good for dieters. I get the idea though - avoid highly processed food with weird preservative ingredients. And I do try to choose these foods most of the time. Clean eating is good, so that's why this one is sort of dumb.
#4 "Thou shalt focus on thy food."
Why it's dumb: Hello! I have a full time job and a million other things going on in my life! I always eat while I'm doing other things! I was eating breakfast as I was reading this stupid article! I don't even have kids! I can't imagine what parents with full time jobs must go through just to find two seconds to cram some food in their own mouths. This "commandment" is just not realistic most of the time. I do think that if you are going for a calorie splurge, then yes, slow down and enjoy it. If you don't normally eat dessert and you decide to go for it - you should be savoring every bite! If you don't, what did you just inhale 1,000 calories for anyway?
#5 "Thou shalt eat every three to four hours."
Why it's dumb: Must be nice to have a job that lets you have a break every three or four hours. I teach straight through to 6th period (1:00). I'm not allowed to eat in front of the kids. I'm happy I get 30 seconds to pee between periods, let alone eat anything... Yup, this one is dumb.
#6 "Thou shalt track every bite."
This one is not dumb. It's good. I can't argue with it. In fact, I try to track everything even when I'm having a bad food day. It helps me stay focused and helps me to not go too far off the track. It makes it easier to find my way back. I've got no complaints about this one.
#7 "Thou shalt ask the server to pack up half thy meal at a restaurant."
Why it's dumb: I know it's one of the standard bits of advice for dieters (and I've heard it countless times at meetings), but, again, I just think - If you're ordering something that you should only be eating half of if YOU'VE ORDERED THE WRONG THING! When I'm out enjoying myself at a restaurant I would MUCH rather order something really healthy and EAT THE WHOLE DAMN THING!
#8 "Thou shalt shop only the perimeter of the supermarket."
Why it's dumb: Healthy things can be found in the aisles. Again, the idea here is to avoid those highly processed foods, BUT it's not realistic. Coffee and tea are in the aisles. Flavored seltzer (instead of soda) are in the aisles. Breakfast cereal is in the aisle (including the non-processed organic ones!). Frozen foods are usually in the middle (perfect for buying veggies that won't spoil!) It's not where you find your food - you have to educate yourself about food labels. Duh.
#9 "Thou shalt eat thy fruits and vegetables."
No arguments here! This one is not dumb.
#10 "Thou shalt have 25 grams of fiber a day."
This one is probably not dumb either. Fiber is good. Keeps you feeling full. Keeps you, well um, "regular."
But seriously - out of these 10 "commandments" more than half of them are just stupid!!! I was so annoyed when I read this!
Okay, rant over. Have a nice day! Don't forget to eat every three or four hours (If you even can!) :P
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