Monday, May 23, 2011

Monday Weigh In/Weekend Confession: Pirate Edition! Arrr!

Okay, so I saw Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides and I still feel like talking like a pirate! Arr!

Last Week's Weight Be: 125.8
This Week's Weight Be: 125.8
The Difference Be: 0

Maintenance: Arr! It be good!

And, I'm done with the pirates!

This week was actually a tough week for me food wise.  I found myself eating out four out of five days this week. And even though I picked reasonable items off the menus, the points were still  higher than what I am used to spending for lunch. Which left me then scrambling to come up with low points dinners to make up for it at night. Some times I was successful and other times not.  It also doesn't help that it's that time of the month for me (TOM) and for whatever reason I am absolutely ravenous for the week.  It's as though nothing fills me up and it's quite frustrating.

I also didn't get as much activity in as I'd have liked last week. I had a very mixed up schedule that included a lot of eating out and a lot of late nights. Plus with that TOM I tend to get very fatigued. There were a couple of days where I'd planned to work out after work, but I came home and took a nap instead.  In fact, I feel like I could use a nap right now!

But for all my challenges, I found I had a pretty successful week, and I was even able to indulge in some Indian food Saturday night. Which brings me to my weekend confession:

Bless Me Jean Neditch for I have gone off program!

Friday night was pizza - but I got a vegetable stromboli (yum) instead of slices. When I went to look up the points, I was surprised to find that it wasn't more than two large slices of pizza (I counted it as a calzone - they are about the same size at the pizza place I go to). Nice!

Then Saturday the hubs says, "How about Indian for dinner?" Oh how I love Indian food! And eating out at a nice restaurant always includes a glass of wine! Garlic Naan, Chicken Tikka Masala, and some sort of dessert dumpling rounded out a very nice meal :)

Sunday night was Chinese food (which usually gives me a bit of a gain the next morning, but not today!) but I always get the same thing - shrimp and broccoli. The points on that one aren't too terrible. But when you add in the soup, rice and fortune cookie, it's a pretty good sized meal.

But all in all, I felt like I did the best with the situations I was in and I had a great week as far as maintaining my weight!

This week coming up is going to be a challenge for me as far as activity because I have somehow managed to pull my knee again. I have an old injury (from what, I don't even remember anymore) and anytime I twist just the wrong way it flares up on me. It's really painful when I bend my knee and that limits the kinds of activity I can do - no squats, no lunges, no plyo jumps... And since most of my DVD's include a lot of that my activity will have to be walking for most of this week. And since it's raining today, I'm already starting my week off with no Activity Points earned.

Food this week coming up should be ok until Memorial Day. I'm not sure what's on the agenda yet, but I'm sure it will involve some splurges - particularly the drinks! And hopefully it will involve finishing the bathroom!!!! We should have been finished, however, the tub company shipped the wrong tub and we've been delayed by about a week and a half :o(  Tonight we should have the blinds and the sink faucet installed so that's good. But there's not much else we can do until the tub gets here....

Another goal this week is to make it to my meeting tomorrow. I see no reason why I wouldn't but I skipped it last week and I really felt different because of it.

Well, that's all I have for this week. Until Wednesday...

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