Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Monday Weigh In: Holiday Edition

Happy Memorial Day to all! Don't forget to thank our service men and women today for protecting our freedoms and making the ultimate sacrifice for us.

Also, sorry this is a day late. Hey, it was a holiday!

So here we go:

Last week: 125.2
This week: 126.6
Difference: + 0.8
Maintenance: considering it was a holiday weekend I call it success!

So last week was a bit of a challenge food wise.  I won't really go through the usual weekend confession because it would consume this entire post.  Let's just sum it up like this:

Wednesday: Teacher Appreciation Day = huge lunch sponsored by the PTA
Thursday: Long week = take out
Friday: First weekend of summer = Dinner and drinks in the Hamptons
Saturday: Working on the boat = Beers and sandwiches followed by take out (after a day of waxing, who wants to cook?)
Sunday: The quintessential Memorial Day BBQ filled with food and drinks.
Monday: More working on the boat = more beers, more sandwiches and more take out.

Food was definitely a challenge and I stopped tracking somewhere around Wednesday at lunch.  But all in all, I have to say a gain of less than a pound is really something to be happy with considering how bad it could've been.

I think my biggest mistake last week was just throwing the food journal out the window.  Even if I didn't want to bother to take the time to calculate the calories and PointsPlus, I should have at least written everything down.

But, what's done is done. Time to move forward and move on.

This week my goals are to get back to tracking and to make sure I continue to take care of my knees so I can get back to working out.  Scrubbing the boat this weekend didn't help with the whole sore knees situation either :P But I've been being careful and applying my herbal muscle massage cream, so hopefully it will be better soon.

I will be back tomorrow with my weekly topic discussion. Till then...

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